Thursday, June 23, 2011

Let's FLY

A  L  O  H  A !

Thanks for swinging by today.  
                                     You're just in time for our flight -
Looks like a nice day to fly somewhere

" Music fathoms the sky. "

Charles Baudelaire

What is going on up there?  Shall we find out?

" My witness is the empty sky. "

          Jack Kerouac

Always exciting just before a flight!

 " Excuse me while I kiss the sky. "

                                Jimi Hendrix

Good Bye Honolulu!

" One of my great joys in life is being a pilot.
There is a great sense of freedom 
in soaring through the sky.
You get a different perspective up there. 
Seeing things that aren't so apparent from the ground. "

Sonny Perdue 


Now On To Our Destination:

If you have time, check out the inter-island flight video
and spend some time on the rural Big Island:

If you'd like to see more of Hilo
from the air, you'll enjoy the take-off below.
I recommend you mute your speakers.


  1. The view from the air is always fantastic and that famous view from space even more so.

  2. Flying into Hawaii must just be the best thing ever. :)

  3. "Kiss the Sky" is my favorite of those quotes.

  4. I'm flying to Birmingham, AL tomorrow, I hope to fly to Hawaii someday too

  5. I wish I was flying to Hawaii right now!

  6. Nice view from the air above Honolulu.

    Greetings, Joop

  7. Kiss the sky? That's nice! I wanna kiss the sky!! : )

  8. Awesome post and videos! Aloha, cher!

  9. Very cool! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Nothing better than landing in Hawaii......Nothing worse than leaving! I cry everytime.
    I have been to Oahu once, Maui three times and later this summer I'm going to Kauai!!! I can't wait. I love the anticipation of a trip. I enjoy reading about destination and much fun!

  11. I like the concept of flying and enjoying riding in a private aircraft but I hate getting on a airliners. I'm 6'-5" and I'm always on some glorified jet-powered puddle jumper, jammed up with another guy my size or bigger.

  12. I like these colourful planes. It bit South African or British Airways.

  13. Interesting. I am not a good flyer, but found the take off with no sound much, much easier and less stomach clenching than usual.

  14. Take a close look at the cloud formation in the 1st photo could be a pigs head?. Excuse me while i kiss the sky fantastic Jimi Hendrix song :-).

  15. Fly to Hawaii is in top of my wish list .Aloha friend.

  16. Lovely Enjoy your trip!

  17. The feeling of free in the air is always great !

  18. Hi Cloudia,
    Thanks for your wishes for my birthday...Your pics are beautiful, love the one of Honolulu from above and the videos are amazing...Have a great time. Enjoy!...Heidi :)

  19. What? No inter Island driving video.

  20. Absolutely perfect sky watch post Cloudia. I enjoyed the flight!!

  21. I’d love to join you in the air. I came back from Paris less than a month ago and I am ready to take another trip, but I have to wait till August…

  22. thank YOU so much for coming by!

  23. Your photos and video clips make my night. What a range of perspectives.


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