Thursday, June 2, 2011

Shower Tree

A l o h a !

 click on these bonnie pictures:
Honolulu adopted the rainbow shower tree
as our official tree in 1965.
This one is white, or cream. 

"If you would know strength
and patience, 
welcome the company of trees."

Hal Borland

April to November 
floral explosions 
fill our sky with GLORY!

"To heal mine aching moods,
Give me God's virgin woods."

Clinton Scollard


The Rainbow Variety

"Long, sparkling aisles of steel-stemmed trees
Bending to counterfeit a breeze."

James R. Russell

The rainbow shower tree (Cassia x nealiae
is a hybrid cross between the golden shower (C. fistula
and the pink and white shower (C. javanica).
  Due to plant-genetics, no two trees are alike.

"I hear the wind among the trees
Playing the celestial symphonies;
I see the branches downward bent,
Like keys of some great instrument."

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Honolulu's "official" rainbow shower is the Wilhelmina Tenney. The tree started life in 1920 as a seedling on Lunalilo Street in our Makiki neighborhood by neighbors of the Tenney family. After the tree was propagated, a Tenney daughter, Wilhelmina (1891-1951) gave material to Foster Garden.
“Like branches on a tree
we grow in different directions,
yet our roots remain as one.
Each of our lives will always
be a special part of the other.” 


 Such litter, glitters!

"As the poet said, 'only God can make a tree' -
probably because it's so hard to figure out
how to get the bark on."

Woody Allen



The shower tree is a flower tree,
her boughs bearing
bounteous bouquets- 

it quite bedazzles!
Kindly leave a word blossom
                                                in comments :) cloudia


  1. Gorgeous .. sadly all our flowering trees have shed their blossoms and are full green now

  2. Just beautiful. We're still at the tail end of blossoming season.

  3. That massive pile of blooms. almost overwhelming.

  4. Oh yes! I believe I can smell these lovely flowers all the way over here! Lovely!

  5. These are so beautiful. Each tree bedazzles. Nice to think of ourselves as blossoms.

  6. yes, there are shower trees in India, too, as Kavita said above.

  7. Beautiful. We simply do not have foliage like that here in my area of Texas.

  8. Such lovely trees and blossoms! love that Longfellow quote, too! Happy June!

  9. Only in Hawaii! It's a gorgeous tree with so many different shades...thanks for stopping by. I always enjoy my visits to your Hawaii!

  10. how beautiful blooms@

    gorgeous photos!!

    big hugs!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. That is the prettiest tree I think I have ever seen. I can only imagine how breathtaking it is in person!!
    Wise decision Honolulu!!!

  13. Our Royal Poinciana is in bloom. It's probably the biggest and most beautiful one in the world. I must take pix of it in its full glory for my blog.
    We do have the loveliest flowering trees in Hawaii.

  14. Fantastic, and what a lovely name for them!

  15. I thought all you guys had was Palm Trees...:P

  16. Kavita- you inspired this post by showing Sonaru on your blog :)

    Thanks to EACH of YOU!

  17. the blossoms feel as if they are made of light. a great interpretation of yesterdays quote.

    daily athens

  18. Would love to have some time in some deep and dark woods where there are no human sounds. Great post!

  19. Truly beautiful and evocative of the regrowth of spring. Thanks.

  20. Trees are the lungs of the earth but we keep chopping 'em down, one day when no trees are left we will suffocate. The Woody Allen quote made me smile :-).

  21. I would love to see that for myself. Absolutely magical!

  22. So very beautiful Cloudia!!! Hope you have a fabulous weekend!!

  23. I would love a shower tree in my garden, wonder if they would grow in Perth temperatures?

  24. You do colour like no-one else. Brilliance and beauty, thanks.

  25. It' s wonderful, this tree, like its name.
    I don't know if there are some in Italy.
    Have a nice w.e.
    Aloha from Italy

  26. I can absolutely understand why that tree was adopted as the official tree - it's stunning ! Great shots.

    Aloha !

  27. They cut down all the trees around the house and it was 5-8 degrees hotter inside because the stole our shade. Hardwoods--that God figured out how to put the Bark on!

    I cried, and we lost a Cat today--along with the trees--He honestly just vanished!! An indoor cat- GONE amidst all the noise and raping of the Landlord's home because he said the trees were damaging it!

    100 years to grow--4 hours to cut down and haul off!

    No shade--No cat!

    I'm sad.

    Sorry--but the bark quote got me going!



  28. I was I left comment last night but since I don't see it I post another. Your posts are both beautiful and inspirational. I'm happy to be back blogging.


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