Thursday, August 25, 2011

Obama Accomplishments

A L O H A !

"The facts are always friendly, 
every bit of evidence one can acquire, 
in any area,
leads one that much closer
to what is true.  "

Carl Rogers

" This is one of those cases
in which the imagination
is baffled by the facts.  "
Adam Smith 

" I am a firm believer in the people.
If given the truth, 
they can be depended upon
to meet any national crisis.
The great point
is to bring them the real facts.  "

Abraham Lincoln

" Facts 
are stubborn things.  "

Ronald Reagan

" For a nation that is afraid
to let its people judge the truth
and falsehood 
in an open market
is a nation that is afraid
of its people.  "

John F. Kennedy

/ )
"A little bird told me"

In two years our President has:

1. Averted a scary, world-wide economic melt down
that started before he entered office.
Most reputable economists agree this is a fact,
and that his leadership was key.

2. Saved the US banking, auto, and insurance industries
and all the jobs associated with them
at minimal cost to tax payers.
GM is selling tons of cars in China today!

3. Overhauled the US health system
in a way that CBO says will:
increase access to healthcare
while reigning in costs.
This has been an unsolvable problem
for decades.
Young adults starting out
can now stay on their parents' insurance
for a few years longer.

4. Killed Osama Ben Lame.
Make no mistake,
if the mission had failed,
the President's critics would ride it
every DAY!

5. Imposed tough new rules of the road
on the financial industry.
Credit card companies 
can no longer raise your rates
without 90 day notice.
And they have to show you how long
it would take to pay them off
at 'minimum payments'
AND what you actually pay them in
plain English.

6. He has the overwhelming respect
of our allies.

7.  He ended "Don't ask - don't tell."
Bringing our excellent military
into this century,
and aligning our policy
with our best allies.

8. Made respect & care of military families
HIS family's priority.
He pays his respects
to the fallen and their families
OFF camera.

9. Honorably wrapping up two wars
that he did not start.

10.  He did all this while facing
unprecedented personal attacks,
much economic fear in this nation
and in the world, and
unreasoning partisanship
that would like to see him,
our President-
and all of us along with him-

Let's discuss facts,
like the steady rise
of children in poverty
in this nation.

There is much to be done.

If you cannot help,
at least stop slinging mud
on those doing their best
for US !

Please let us know what YOU think in comments-
Warmly, cloudia

" -we're hardwired
not to always think clearly
when we're scared.
And the country's scared.  "

Barack Obama


  1. You are so right Cloudia # 7 really rocks my world! He came to Cannon Falls, Mn recently, and my hubby and I ate lunch Sunday where he ate (The Deli) on his visit, and they have about 15 pictures hanging on the wall of his visit and just chit-chatting with the locals, (off camera) but they all took their own photos just to remember his visit with everyday folks!

  2. Well said Cloudia! More of us need to be proclaiming this to counter-balance the half-truths and downright lies of the other side.

  3. My, oh, my! You hit the nails on the head. I tip my hat to truth facts, as you so nicely listed for future reference. Thanks for the sanity blog-land :O)
    p.s. Is 'April' your given name or Cloudia, or both? Inquiring minds want to know.
    Happy week!

  4. Thanks for this, Cloudia. I deeply admire and respect our President for all he has done.

  5. I am so over the nay-sayers who forget so easily how we got where we were when Mr Obama was elected. And those same are now trying to tax the poor because the census showed that the 'poor' have things like AC, refrigerators, TVs ... so they can clearly stop whining and contribute so the wealthy (hello I'm talking about you in the Senate and you with the 8 figure salaries & corporate golden parachutes) dont have to pay their fair share.

  6. This is so interesting and informative post. Well done!!

  7. Well said, "Facts are stubborn things" and they dont lie..

  8. So...The Dude Abides.
    Good post.

  9. WELL SAID, and NUFF SAID!! Cheers!!

  10. Thank you. From an outsiders perspective it does look like he is doing well at an appallingly difficult job.

  11. I am learning a lot about American Presidents.


  12. Nice to outline his accomplishments. I know his job has been incredibly difficult, yet he remains a true statesman. I'm proud of him.

  13. Beautiful! Thanks you for posting this~ Fourteen months is a long time in politics . . .

    Cheers ~~ Carolina Blue in a Red State (aka The TX Republic)

  14. you made me cry again. I always touched by your writing about President Obama. I am especially moved by the truth of item 10.

  15. President Obama acheivments since attaining office have been acheived under very diffcult circumstances and all Americans should be proud. I like the quote "Facts Are Stubborn Things", because facts are not lies :-).

  16. Cloudia...don't you wonder why the media has not done a better job of promoting these accomplishments. Kind of interesting.

    You did a great job with this post.

  17. I voted for Obama and like him. I like most of what he's done, though not all. I sure would like him to get a bit more of a break, though. I can't understand how any president can get anything done when he's putting out fires every minute. I imagine that's why his enemies are starting the fires.

  18. Although in my American political sympathies I tend to run more Log Cabin Republican, I wouldn't have supported McCain during the last election (probably mostly because of Palin), and have certainly noticed that Mr. Barack Obama has noticeably matured very well professionally during the first 1 1/2 years of his presidency. I have also appreciated VERY much the authentically high quality professionals he has surrounded himself with during this administration. It is not always easy to build the right team, and it often requires a special talent in a leader to know how to do that. He also comes across as a very HEALTHY American president, (regardless of what Dr. Nassir Ghaemi is maladroitly trying to say in his last book, "A First-Rate Madness", where, IMHO, he actually misses rather badly some very important points, just for the sake of a totally unasked for political correctness), and this has been an additional source of both optimism & high morale for America's friends and envy from America's detractors. I literally cannot see any particular same caliber Republican opponent for the 2012 American presidential election as of this time...although one cannot underestimate the effect of a prologed steep economic recession...nevertheless Mr. Obama seems to have finally recently managed to enlist the aid of formidable Mrs. Merkel & to keep Mr. Putin preoccupied at bay for the time being, things which cannot be but helpful when it comes to juggling these complicated Europeans one cannot always count on in times of need ! (I am sure that the teams of Mrs. Hillary Clinton at the State Department, and not only them, have also worked very hard to make this actually happen.)

  19. Excellent and thoughtful post.

    I'm not in complete agreement with number 9. I believe his surge prior to drawback and long and announced timetables for exiting has added a lot of strain on an already over burdened military.

  20. I wholly support Obama! Hurray for him.

  21. " I am a firm believer in the people.
    If given the truth,
    they can be depended upon
    to meet any national crisis.
    The great point
    is to bring them the real facts. "

    Abraham Lincoln

    I wish I still had that faith in the American people.

    As for the president I fully supported him from the very beginning while running against Hillary, much to the chagrin of my wife.

    He has done a lot but I cannot help but feel it was only accomplished at the last minute with him kicking and streaming. While his style is understated and his dislike of drama is well-known he risks his presidency by not taking a more active and dynamic stance.

    The best example I can off the top of my head is how he did not tie the debt increase to the agreement that extended the Bush tax cuts. Something many have pointed out could have averted the near disaster we barely avoided.

    Still given who could be in the White House right now had Obama lost the 2008 election we are still lightyears better.

  22. It's great to see all the positives Cloudia. I'm getting sick of seeing all these nasty e-mails that come through. I don't even open them any more.

  23. About my only disappointment is that inexplicably there are still no laws against derivatives that set off the financial meltdown when the house of cards flopped. Can anybody even begin to explain this? Meanwhile, the CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission), the lone federal agency that oversees derivatives and toxic assets, for all intents and purposes, its regulatory powers have been dissolved. Also, not a single Wall Street executive went to jail for their collusion in the heist. Madoff, with all his $70 billion, was a two-bit hood by comparison, a drop in the bucket.

  24. the republicans scare me.

    susan, Boston


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