Friday, August 5, 2011


A L O H A !

“If toast always lands butter-side down,
and cats always land on their feet,
what happens if you strap toast 
on the back of a cat 
and drop it?” 

Stephen Wright

“ Cats are dangerous companions for writers
because cat watching
is a near-perfect method
of writing avoidance. ” 

Dan Greenburg

“ The cat has too much spirit
to have no heart. ” 

Ernest Menaul

“The cat lives alone, has no need of society,
obeys only when she pleases,
pretends to sleep that she may see more clearly,
and scratches everything
on which she can lay her paw.” 

François R. Chateaubriand

“The cat is above all things,
a dramatist.” 

Margaret Benson 


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is running

           YOUR life?  warmly, cloudia


  1. Sometimes, I think it's running out of control!
    S. Wright is a funny guy!

  2. my grandson!!! my 2 cats have died and won't be replaced.

  3. Tallll Pirate Kitty with a loooong tail...really working hard at deck duty! Beautiful whiskers..DrumMajor

  4. I miss Cleo and Sophie - two wonderful cats that were in my life, both gone now. I travel a fair bit, so have elected not to get another pet for now. But I love looking at yours, especially that lying on the back thing. Adorable.

  5. I never understood cat people until my son brought one home. It's taken some time to win me over - because they most certainly aren't dogs - but I have been won.

  6. A cat as procrastination, maybe I should get one as I'm a huge fan. Not of cats, of procrastination. Great pics!

  7. Lovely cat!
    my cat died two months ago I miss him so much.
    Hava a nice week and

  8. ..hmm, sometime it feels like my Royalty of the animal kingdom are slightly running my life...only in the sense that when you want to take a trip...hmmmm, I animal sit for others too, guess it will be pay back time, but then do I dare? Great quotes Cloudia!

  9. Pirate Kitty is a real show off bless her heart :-).

  10. A kitty with a heart! And I love Stephen Wright's take. Hope you're getting some motorcycle riding in of late[?]
    Happy, happy weekend, Cloudia.

  11. Without question the cats run and rule our household.

    Wonderful photos, wonderful quotes.

    As always. Thanks.

  12. For the last four years it's me son. For the next fourty hopefully as well.

    Please have a good weekend.

  13. MEOW!


  14. The cat had me captivated, too. What a personality!

  15. Cat - such a simple 3 letter word for
    Baset - the Cat Goddess of Egypt.
    Someday Baset & I will find each other and I will do her bidding.

  16. my fingers no longer are reliable on the keyboard.


  17. Our cat disappeared 1 year ago at some point during her 9th life. Now our lives are run exclusively by our dog, Sasha.

    Love these shots, and the quotes.

    Aloha !

  18. I have let it get away from me a little!

    I'm thinking of getting a Cannon to C!!!


    You are a special friend! I haven't told you that lately!


  19. catty!

    namaste /\ from mumbai

  20. I love your cat pictures! And Wright quote is totally cool!

  21. I have a houseful of cats...and 3 dogs...and an insolent cockatiel who screeches even louder when I tell him to hush.

    So, mostly, the cats. Read a sign one day that said: Dogs have masters. Cats have staff."

    LOL...aloha, dear girl!

  22. Hi Cloudia !
    This week I have had some internet connecting problems.
    Wonderful photos of this cool cat, Cloudia. one of them reminds me the one of our last pretty female cat my yongest son have shoot.
    Aloha my Friend !

  23. I had a cat and she ran the house for sure. Good question about the cat/butter situation!! Love cats, great post Cloudia.

  24. “If toast always lands butter-side down,
    and cats always land on their feet,
    what happens if you strap toast
    on the back of a cat
    and drop it?”

    Now there's a conundrum! LOL

  25. That's a list of great cat phrases ! Hopefully the cat is not in-charge of the house, not sure if Ceaser Milan can address a Cat problem in the house !!!!


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