Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cleaning Homeless People from APEC route

 A L O H A !
 click on the photos
The New Colossus
 By Emma Lazarus, 1883
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles.

From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" 
Cries she with silent lips.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

 Jewish-immigrant children wave at the Statue of Liberty.

 How's That Working Out?

Honolulu Star Bulletin
By Dan Nakaso
POSTED: 12:45 p.m. HST, Oct 25, 2011

" State prisoners and Department of Transportation landscaping crews are busy clearing homeless people and their belongings from 17 different areas along Nimitz Highway and the H-1 Freeway that will be seen by delegations attending next month's Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum.
The week-long clean-up is expected to cost $100,000, said DOT spokesman Dan Meisenzahl.
"We anticipate someone's going to ask us to do it again as we get closer to APEC," Meisenzahl said.
The clean-up crews include 50 DOT landscaping employees and 25 prisoners, Meisenzahl said.
They are primarily focusing on clearing homeless people and their belongings around bridges along the APEC travel routes, Meisenzahl said.
In August, the DOT spent $200,000 just to clear homeless people and their belongings from the H-1 Freeway viaduct near Honolulu Airport.
This week's anticipated $100,000 cost for the viaduct and 16 other locations is much cheaper "because most of them and their stuff is already gone," Meisenzahl said. "



  1. WHAT!!!! Surely that can't be true Cloudia. Exactly where are they shooing the homeless people off to and why aren't they spending all that money used to clear them off in finding better places for them to live on a permanent basis!! The world truly has gone crazy if this sort of thing can happen. All so that 'certain' people won't be offended by the sight of people doing it tough!

  2. APEC is Honolulu? I didn't realise it for not reading or watching the news. They cleaned up the streets too whenever we host a big function. We don't have homeless on the street here because they are cleaned out on daily basis.

  3. Vancouver did this for the Olympics. Doesn't every country have their homeless? It may be shameful to humanity in general but if governments are ashamed then they know there is more they could do for at least some of them. Many of these people are struggling with addictions or mental problems making them unable or unwilling to follow the rules of a residence. Gathering these diverse people together in one place could be unsafe for any of them - they are afraid of each other as much as anyone else might be. The problem is complex and no country has the resources or the willingness to use extensive resources to find a workable and affordable solution if there is one.

    Hiding the issue is just ridiculous.

  4. If they just gave the 100,000 to the homeless then they would likely not be homeless anymore.

  5. i can relate to charles gramlich's thoughts.

    such beautiful shots and tones!
    a warm aloha!

  6. Every country has homeless is up to the government to help them with funds...

  7. Sad, but that's reality.

  8. It's too hard to comment. I have a lump in my throat. I feel shame that we can treat each other this way.

  9. Sadly some people choose to be homeless for one reason or another :-(.

  10. 'to clear' people - what ancient way to discribe behaviour. nevertheless, a moving, contemporary mean to measure time and life of humankind indeed. all the very best for you, may everything remain peaceful. please have you all a good thursday.

  11. Grrr. And we did it here in Oz for the Olympics as well. It makes me angry and sad in probably equal measures.

  12. My administrator started to talk negatively today about treating 'aliens' and then shut up. I hate people who hate people. NPR did a story today about dissident doctors risking their lives treating Syrian protestors in secret hospitals so that they are not killed by the militia. I get so fucking sick of spoiled Americans.

  13. That's just amazing. We had something similar in Waterbury, where a tent village was just cleared out. How such things are justified boggles my mind.

  14. the government views homeless as garbage. happened in Delhi too prior to the Commonwealth Games hosted last year. sad.

    namaste /\ from mumbai

  15. Not working out too well is it?

  16. see, WE get it-
    why don't our so called "leaders?"

  17. That is really disappointing news. No wonder government is so remote and clueless.

  18. Where is the money to do all the work being done around town coming from? I thought the state was broke?

  19. I Think as Perth dear Cloudia. Ma tu parli bene italiano!
    Ciao dall'Italia.


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