Sunday, October 9, 2011

What is the Value?

A L O H A !
click on the photos please
" The value of a person should be seen 
in what he gives
and not in what he is able to receive.
Strive not to be a success,
but rather to be of value.  "

Albert Einstein

“ How people treat you
is their karma;
how you react
is yours. ”

 Wayne Dyer

" The great part of the miseries of mankind 
are brought upon them
by false estimates they have made 
of the value of things.  "

Benjamin Franklin

“What is a cynic?
who knows the price of everything
and the value of nothing.”

 Oscar Wilde 

  > < } } ( ° >

" How do you measure 
your value? "
Loretta Lynn

What is the value-
- of a person
you do not know?

Thank YOU
for your visit!
Your comment is welcome
                                                              warmly, cloudia


  1. " The value of a person should be seen
    in what he gives
    and not in what he is able to receive.
    Strive not to be a success,
    but rather to be of value. "

    Albert Einstein

    Excuse my language but there is a butthole on a morning CNBC show that would call that quote "anti-American." But I happen to agree with Albert so I am in good company.

  2. the little bird is so cute!

    beautiful photos as usual.

    as for the value? is more complex that most people think...

    alohaaaaa!! xx

  3. Value value value! Sunday only! Thousands of colors and styles!

    Oh, sorry. I thought I was in a commercial for a minute there!

    I think it's true about misery being largely brought about by a skewed sense of the values of things. Maybe happiness can come from knowing them truly?

  4. I like that quote about value. I should strive to keep that in mind.

  5. The Wayne Dyer quote is one of my favorites--it helped me to handle a rather difficult situation a few years ago. Aloha from Seattle!

  6. Hey Cloudia..."to be of value." I have a feeling you have lived that...I try too.

  7. I like your first statement but it is hard to live up to it.


  8. WONDERFUL quotes today. I try to add value, but it is a work in progress. Thanks - beautiful meaningful post.

  9. I love your photos and quotes, always good food for thought. It's great to be visiting again. My friend is continuing on her journey to Australia and should have landed in Brisbane an hour ago.

  10. Buddhaful!
    The value of a person I don't know (yet) is immeasurable. The value of each being is immeasurable, we can all expand out into the Universe.

  11. I especially like the quotes by Oscar Wilde and Benjamin Franklin because they both ring true :-).

  12. You have wonderful Kloudia Karma, Cloudia. You have amazed the past and present spirits of Hawaii with your ability to weave your karma through the present's techno-internet.
    I'm not sure about that birdie's karma -- he looks ready to grow instantly into a hawk.
    I have been successfully re-programmed after my time in the Islands: I can still hear the ocean surf, until I realize it's my house fan and blowing wind going through the fall trees!

  13. Cloudia--What a thought provoking post! First off- I want that bird!!! Over rice, with a hint of Basil---just kidding.

    My value is measured by how well I feel about myself on the inside, and "how it flows out to others".

    Of a person I don't know--Infinitesimal--because they have so much to offer by walking in a different pair of shoes.
    Great great post!

    THANK YOU!!!!

  14. What is the value of a person you do not know. According to the Federal Government Actuarial tables the value of the average American over their lifetime is about 6 million dollars. Now that seems somewhat cynical to me but then it is a government that for the most part has declared a (so far) non shooting war on the vast majority of its citizenry.

    Now personally I place far greater value on the cardboard sign carriers who stand at freeway exits than I do over every head of every non profit like the Salvation Army or the Red Cross who makes hundreds of thousands per year running organizations that supposedly help millions every year. The reason is simple-that cardboard sign carrier reminds me every day that I have much, nothing more than I can afford and nothing less than what I need and that keeps me in a state of gratitude.

    Them who run the non profits (that actually make 100's of percents of profit) the only worth I am to them is a source of dollars. Ergo because I believe in placing my charitable giving where I believe. I donate to the card board carrier and will not give a dime to any organization that has a CEO who makes more in a few years than the average person does in 50 years reaching that government actuarial figure.

    People I know, that is a different equation.

  15. Being able to teach what I do know, might be a measurement of value for me.
    Value of another unknown person, well, providing a measurement for someone I do not know would place the person into a category, would compare, which I do not know how to do.
    Thank you as well for a kind of 'thinking connection', wondering about value and being enough.
    Please have a good start into the new week you all.

  16. Thought provoking post.

    Makes me think of the Golden Rule...Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

  17. I try to value people just for being human. Don't always succeed.
    As always I love the pictures and the quotes.

  18. You and your blog are quite valuable in my life.

  19. It is my Sunday ritual to stop by. Thanks for the beautiful quotes, pictures and reminders. :-)

  20. We are all of infinitesimal value since we are made in the image of the Creator. Wonderful quotes, Cloudia, along with beautiful photos. I hope you are taking to your new space quite well.

    Aloha !

  21. Each and every quote from the original post, followed by each and every comment that followed held true real valuable meaning for me, as I am starting this another new day of my life, and I am grateful to Cloudia and to all the very real commentators from this qualitatively nourishing & nurturing blog.

    (Boy, do I sound like a narcissistic baby at this point ! I admit...this is what I am, especially on-line where I tend to take much more than I am willing and even capable of offering. I do try, however, in real life to do as competently and conscientiously as possible most of the time my duty towards mostly general human being safety, if at all possible, because I sincerely try to value my fellow humans...almost as much as I value myself !)

  22. Thank you so much for sharing your world with us Cloudia!!

  23. Wise words today ... Cloudia ! and thanks !

  24. Like this quote “What is a cynic?
    Someone who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing." ~ Oscar Wilde.

    What's that bird not a chicken eh?

  25. I like that karma quote. It's a keeper.

  26. You do ask the hard questions Cloudia!! I like to be non judgmental, open minded and kind and hope for the same in for Oscar Wilde...he is magnificent!!

  27. Beach Bum beat me to it .. with the Einstein quote,not the CNBC stuff since I dont watch/listen to CNBC

  28. People are priceless!

    Love the shots.

  29. Did you just happen upon that adorable feathered friend? I have a few that I know around and can visit any time I need a bit of bird-talk! I hope your week is starting out beautiful!

  30. I think the true measure of a person is his or hers contribution to his or her fellow human being. How do you treat your fellow human? Cheers!!

  31. this is AWESOME - Thank YOU!

    The bird is just a pigeon around the way, but he stands out, eh? :-)

    Walking Man's points about non-profits rings sadly true. give yourself, of yourself when you have a chance...

  32. Excellent quotes, Cloudia. I like the one about the cynic.


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