Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Walking in the Rain

A L O H A !
click to enlarge the photos
The weather in Honolulu 
has been mesmerizing:
Breezy Trade Winds,
blue skies,
and clouds of all sorts 
scudding along
high & low.
Temps in the 70c F.

The other evening
I got caught in a steady downpour 
walking home 
from the Waikiki Post Office.

Having recently moved off of the boat 
after 20 years,
it was a distinct pleasure
to enter my new, sturdy, 
DRY building!

Passing through the INDOOR garage,
I noted my scooter
playing a hand of cards
with my small car 
in the same parking space.

Nothing looks quite so bedraggled,
as a scooter or motorcycle
huddling under a dripping cover,
sitting in a puddle,
in the middle of a rain storm.

"There's my scooter,
dry in a rain storm."
I thought with satisfaction.

Instead of having wet rain
slide off of canvas
and down my neck,
I rode upstairs in the elevator
and entered my dry apartment.

Through the window, 
I could see squalls
pouring over Honolulu Town.

Then I took a hot shower.
Soon my husband returned home.

The winds did not stir us.
The rain did not reach us.
We prepared & ate food,
while Kitty played on the carpet.

Ah!  Civilization!
I shall never take it for granted.

And the next day,
Hawaii of post card fame
waited outside:

Thank YOU for visiting!

For a taste
of what I'm talking about
look at what happened
one year ago
Your comment is a gift we share -
Warmly, cloudia


  1. Beautiful pictures and lovely write up

  2. This is a wonderful write. I did so enjoy your narrative. More like that!

  3. Wow - that was a harrowing experience a year ago!

    I'm so glad you are enjoying your new place.

  4. Your CloudPic looks like the feathertips of a big eagle soaring in your sky! You're livin' "high and dry!" DrumMajor

  5. I can feel with you.
    How nice to stay warm and dry!
    Very good writing!!!

  6. If you ever get tired of you nest in the sky I can find you a mansion for less than 100k.

  7. Gotta agree being dry is a good thing

  8. It's the little things, isn't it?

    :-) Comfortable and dry. I'm glad for you!

    Momi :-)

  9. nice...bet it was nice to be on stable land and dry in the rain...its so cold here today a hot shower sounds nice...smiles.

    aloha from va

  10. I remember seeing my bike soaking in the rain. somehow it made it look wilder.

  11. As I read your post, I could hear the pounding of rain on my house. So glad to be in here, cozy and warm, dogs cuddled in their bed, and me still in my pajamas. I sure can understand your gratitude.

  12. I remember that emergency well. I am so glad your circumstances have improved since then, Cloudia! Blessings!

  13. We sure don't always know what life has in store for us do we! Funny how water just keeps being a theme though our daily life right?!

  14. Hey there!!!! It seems ages since I last visited. Post card perfect, indeed. The pics of the clouds and palm tree is just breathtaking. Just lovely Cloudia. Wonderful post. Cheers!!

  15. I LOVE it! Good on ya!



    Hey all--she talked ALL about staying DRY- and then took a SHOWER---HELLO!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!

  16. Those little details, about the scooter, the hot shower, the haven awaiting you after a downpour, all spoke of this stage of your life.
    A beautiful vignette of life in your part of the world.

    (p.s. without the previous experience of last year, this would not make it to your consciousness!)

  17. I remember that post a year ago and am so happy you are enjoying your new home.

  18. I thought about how you faired with the high winds having moved into a highrise. But then I guess if your apartment faces the ocean the tradewinds don't slam your lanai furniture over the railing as much as facing inland. Try check with the people on the other side of the hallway. They'll tell you.

  19. Your cloud shots are a joy and a delight. I too am really happy that you are enjoying life on land.

  20. Liquide sunshine.

    Can't remember when last it rained over here. And yes, love rain much, always try to listen for it to drum me the sound of a name.

    Please have a good Wednesday you all.

    daily athens photo

  21. Warm and dry. The simple, pure pleasure of life. What a great post!

  22. Can't remember the sunny days in KL ... and what beautiful days in Hawaii you have !!!

  23. In the first picture, the tower seems to be leaning in.


  24. It IS wonderful to feel safe and dry while the storm rages outside. I am so glad that you are enjoying it. :)
    Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  25. Boy have you been having fun with your camera!

  26. yes, the top pic has a jaunty angle

    thanks for visiting!

  27. I just enjoy your wonderful skies and words.
    Aloha, Cloudia !

  28. happy for you!

    namaste /\ from mumbai

  29. Beautiful pictures and you put it all into words, smashimg. I hope you said bye bye after 20 years?

  30. Well last year couldn't have been more different if it tried Cloudia. You really are enjoying the simple pleasures of life on the land aren't you. I really enjoy hearing how much you are loving it ashore!

  31. I am so glad that you enjoy every moment in your new home. But I think it is great to have climate which offers many living places opportunities!

  32. beautiful photos and writing!

    you're inspiring me!

  33. This is just SO wonderful!

    Thank YOU from the bottom of my heart-EACH of you

  34. A fine post, Cloudia!
    «Louis» especially likes that first image.


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