Monday, January 9, 2012

Lens of Love

A  L  O  H  A !

" In all things of nature 
there is something of the marvelous. "


I knew, of course,
that trees and plants had roots,
stems, bark, branches and foliage
that reached up toward the light. 
But I was coming to realize 
that the real magician 
was light itself.  "

Edward Steichen

 " If your actions inspire others
to dream more,
learn more, 
do more 
and become more, 
you are a leader. "

John Quincy Adams

   > < } } ( ° >

Lens of Love
not talking about
Beer Goggles!

What you see,
and who you see,
truly depends
on the lenses
that you are looking 

Charles Dickens wrote of Christmas
that it helps us to regard
"those below us
as fellow passengers
to death."

That has stayed with me in recent weeks
(ignoring 'those below us' as
historic anachronism)

Are others objects
that you must maneuver around,
or are they ultimately 
the purpose of the trip?

Thank YOU
for joining us here
for part of your journey

                                        Warmly, cloudia


  1. What a lovely post sweetie. Loved all the quotes and prose framed by the beautiful pictures.

    Loads to ponder here girl!

    God bless ya and have an awesome week!!! :o)

  2. Thank you for the calm and thoughtful quotes and photos. New Year blessings to you and yours.

  3. Good old Charlie Dickens - he sure did know a thing or two about all humans. We certainly are all passengers on the death train. Some in 1st class, others in the corridors - standing room only.

  4. Darn! I was hoping those beer goggles would bring happiness, meaning, and fulfillment to my life. Love the Aristotle quote.

  5. Beautiful ♥

    We are all as marvellous as the perfection of nature, it's just many have forgotten :)

    Have a wonderful week ♥

  6. The objects I maneuver around most often are other folks. The objects I go to see is the rest of the life we share our planet with.

  7. Enjoyed as usual. Hope I see people as companions on my journey. Appreciate your thoughts.

  8. That Dickens quote has me scratching my head a little.

  9. I love all these quotes. Always making me think. Have a nice week Cloudia. =)

  10. Your last question should be 'learned by heart'.

    Please have you all a good Tuesday.

    daily athens photo

  11. Each of you is my teacher today. . .
    through MY eyes.

    Thank so much

  12. «Louis» really likes the Steichen quote about light!

  13. Other folks encountered along the the journey are not the purpose of the journey but they sure do make it more interesting at times.

  14. You've got me thinking, my friend. Thank you.

  15. Yes, I am guilty of finding people to be objects if not downright obstacles. Shh, don't tell anyone.

  16. What a great question - definitely worth pondering. We are all on this journey together.

    Lovely shots too!

  17. thanks for bringing the jolly to this party!

  18. J'adore that second image Cloudia, it's like a piece of art with it's shadows and light. Yes, Australians are very well known also in the world for their skills in the water! I think all people who risk their lives to save others are angels.

  19. Thanks for the reflections you shared with all of us. Passengers on the journey to Death! I have felt that for some years now. Next year I will be eighty.

  20. Lens of Love?

    not talking about
    Beer Goggles!

    Being, as usual, totally of in my own little universe I've got to remember the "Lenses of Love" line. In my bad old days beer goggles was something I wore many times on weekends.

  21. The first one is tremendous, it is enough to drive me CRAZY.

  22. Oh gosh! Look around at all these extraordinary people who visit here!


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