Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sky Eye

A L O H A !

" I thank you God
for this most amazing day. . . "

  ~e.e. cummings

 What a comely eye glances down, 
with pursed lips of cloud?

" Maybe that's what life is... a wink of the eye and winking stars.  "

Jack Kerouac

" Imagination is the eye of the soul.  "

Joseph Joubert

Don't see the sky eye? 
Look again at this enhanced shot:

“ May the alert

and the watchful divinities

guard thee- ”


Atharva Veda 



So lucky we live Hawaii.
For one thing, 
right after the holidays
we recuperate. . .
. . . 
in Hawaii !

Yes, we have been swathed
in volcanic haze (VOG)
from the big Island's eruption
for a few days
making us sleepy, sneezy
and stupid:

But the Trade Winds are filling back in,
bringing the best weather
on the planet.
(Hey! it's not MY fault!)

Here's your free sample:
we do not settle in
for a long 


I mean:

All over Honolulu Town
folks are preparing for 
Chinese/Japanese New Year!

There will be rice pounded
into mochi,
Taiko drums,
dancing lions
and fire crackers.

So please keep posting
about YOUR weather.

how will I know
what I am missing?

I especially enjoy pictures of
thick snow,
frozen water,
and your well-written discriptions
of JUST how cold
it is-


Can you really see your breath?!

Your visit is most appreciated !
Please join us in comments,
don't boycott me
for spite
                              Fondly, NOT at all gloating, cloudia


  1. You make me want to move to Hawaii. :) And I could totally see the eye and mouth.

  2. I wish I was there with you, it's 5Centigrade here!

  3. The weather in Detroit is dangerous with a smattering of murder and hopelessness. If I were the cruel sort i would say "Wish you were here" but seeing as I am not I will say "Glad you are there"

    Oh yeah we're headed into the balmy 40's for the next few days too.

  4. The first picture is beautifully composed Cloudia, love the silhouette at the window, second image very clever spotting..but you can't tease me here in Perth with the weather, there's no long dark winter here either haha!!

  5. Its a balmly 28 here right now a huge improvement over the sub-zero temps this time yesterday

  6. LOL - you're teasing those of us who live in colder countries!

    Gorgeous shots!

  7. It wasn't so very cold yesterday. Just below freezing. The day before was cold enough that I could not take my dog for a walk.

    I always forget to take my camera on the walk but there is lots of frozen water. No thick snow yet though.

  8. I think I'd be a bit terrified to see an eye winking at me from the sky.

  9. Hi Cloudia, I can see the eyes :)
    Lovely pictures and I like your quotes.
    I love Hawaii, hopefully I'll be able to visit one of this day.
    The weather in Malaysia is hot and humid around 30 to 32 deg c.
    Have a nice day.

  10. Yes, Perth & Malaysia are also warm this time of year. . .

    I really appreciate EACH of YOU-
    thanks so much

  11. I really enjoyed your post today. Your photos are lovely. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  12. Love the photo shopping with the face in it.


  13. Love your skies. We are (too) hot here at the moment and I am longing for winter and crisp crunchy mornings.

  14. Yes I saw the winking sky immediately, Cloudia. What a beautiful place you live in, even with the volcano threats. I don't think you would like our weather in UK. Wet, wet, windy, more wind, colds, flu!, sniffles, . . . . oh I want to live in a warmer country LOL

    Would you like to swap? LOL

    See ya soon ~ Eddie x

  15. The new year brings with it beautiful Hawaiian skies for all of us to yearn for! (Although I am really a cold weather person!) Cheers!

  16. Rarely as cold outside, that it is inside of a fridge; hence, no snow nor rain over here, so far.

    The first and the sky pictures are amazing. Please have a kind Friday.

  17. It's great, the way you seek the sky. The poetry of your images and the words is magical.

  18. I love the eyes! It's cold here in Seattle, windy and raining. It was a lot warmer yesterday.

  19. I am grateful to live here,
    though like Elephant's child I dream of crunchy cold snow sometimes- that's one reason I really do enjoy YOUR posts about your world.

    Thanks so much. this IS jolly!

  20. That sky eye looked like it was winking. ;-)

    So it was the vog that was making me sleepy? I really don't like the vog.

  21. Yes saw the winking eye watching from a distance..~;).


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