Saturday, February 25, 2012

Clouds Talk

A A  L  O  H  A  !

Black and White by Three Dog Night on Grooveshark

This cloud is dark
and reclines voluptuously.

Reminds me of

Marc Chagall's
Nude Over Vitebsk

 This bright cloud 
 is an anvil-head. 
 LOVE that flowing cravat !  

They Share
the Same
S  K  Y  

And God Bless
The Ladies 

  >< } } ( ° >


Thank YOU

What are the clouds
telling You today?

                     Warmly, cloudia


  1. The clouds are telling me that, that is either one very small town or one very large woman!

    Actually there are no clouds, the snow is mostly gone and the cold is telling me smoke 'em faster!

  2. I hope that, in a few hours when the sun comes back up, that the clouds will be telling me that gently soaking rain is coming my way.

  3. The clouds here are just one great overwhelming greyness.

    It happens.

    I do love your imagination. Sometimes I will see things in clouds - certainly not works of art - but most of the time, I enjoy them just for being clouds and beautiful and mysterious things they are.

  4. I'm still trying to understand them all....yesterday they told me quite a few amazing stories....Enjoy your clouds and weekend ahead!

  5. As I look we have absolutely no clouds in our sky, so I guess they're not saying much today. :)

  6. Clouds look a lot wispier this morning than yesterday, so I think it's saying no more rain today.

  7. Unfortunately there is not a single cloud in the sky at the moment Cloudia, it's blue, blue all the way. Would love a few rain clouds to appear! I do love the word 'voluptuous' it's just so... generous!!

  8. I was just picking shapes out of the clouds this morning with my daughter. Beautiful sky! Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  9. Stay indoor! We have a cold front dumping rain and sleet with lots of wind too.

  10. No clouds here just blue sky because its been very hot and they've all gone walkabout to some place cooler :-).

  11. Hmmm... We got a whole lot of dark clouds overhead right now on my end of the island. And of course, mom has the laundry hanging outside. I like your skies better.

  12. Uma belíssima tarde para você!
    Bom fim de semana!


  13. More liquidy today with 60-percent chance of precipitation in Honolulu.

  14. My family loves to lay in our backyard and stare up at the clouds, calling out shapes.

  15. No clouds here today. Just tall blue sky. But yours look brilliant

  16. I never saw that Chagall before. It's amazing. What a great set of cloud photos. You have my imagination working!

  17. That first cloud does look like a reclining woman! Wow!

  18. Although I myself do not have too much imagination in order to see and get inspired by various clod shapes, I have always appreciated the comfortable idea of bouncy softeness one can infer from clouds as often seen through an airplane window, when I have always been tempted to have the (sur-real, of course) opportunity to jump and roll around on that pillowy looking fluffiness ! I have been able to enter once into what I think may have been a real wispy cloud and not just plain fog while on a hike on a mountain top when I was in high school, in Romania. It was in fact cold and a little scary, and made me think about the witches of Macbeth instead of the Care Bears I always think about when looking at clouds from afar !

  19. Since we are talking about weather patterns, I wish to happily announce that I have managed to identify what the coming of spring smells like on the SW coast of Norway: it is a faint and totally unexpected (for me) counter-intuitive odour of plumeria, which may be in fact realistically brought all the way from the Caribbean and Central America by the winds which accompany the strong Gulf Stream current which strongly influences the weather of this region !

  20. P.S. Marc Chagall is one of my favourite painters, and I especially like his paintings dedicated to love and marriage.

  21. i really like the lat photo...those pink clouds are so pretty!

    brilliant post!


    p.s. i'm on a blog break...just wanted to drop by and say hi!


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