Thursday, February 9, 2012

Gonna Fly Now

A   L   O   H   A  !

Gonna Fly Now by Bill Conti on Grooveshark

"I once had a sparrow
alight upon my shoulder
for a moment,

while I was hoeing 
in a village garden,

and I felt that I was more distinguished
by that circumstance

than I should have been
 by any epaulet I could have worn." 

Henry David Thoreau

/ )

Our  bird friend today 
is a Red Crested Cardinal,
 Paroaria coronata
commonly seen here on Oahu.

These colorful flyers
were introduced to both Hawaii
& Puerto Rico around 1930.

 Sometimes called the
  "Brazilian Cardinal"
The species is native to
South America.

Omnivores, they
feed on fruit, seeds, plant matter, 
human cast-offs, and tasty insects.

Thank you for flying here! 
Do look in on Comments,
see all the exotic birds
BE one of them-

                 Warm chirps, cloudia


  1. What a lovely bird..... nice pictures Cloudia.

    Greetings, Joop

  2. I love that Thoreau quote and I love that bird. I wish we had exotic birds here. I suppose our most colourful bird is probably the bullfinch.

  3. What a bright fellow he is! Certain to bring a smile to the face of all who see him!

  4. Gorgeous bird! I do love cardinals even if they are bullies.

  5. Fantastic set of pictures, but I think the first one the top shot for my book.

  6. I love cardinals. Beautiful bird.

  7. Cute birds all over this post!! Love it.

  8. Love these pics. What a beautiful bird!

  9. Your 'red crested cardinal' is a little beauty Cloudia, well done on snapping him, I know they can be zippy little creatures.

  10. gorgeous bird...nice capture and lovely words as always! =)

  11. Such beautiful photos you took. It's colors are lovely and coincidentally I was looking at three photos I had taken of one on our last trip to Hawaii, only yesterday, and could not remember its name. I was going on a search today and then I read your post. Thank you for identifying it for me. Thoreau's quote is one of my favorites. By the way, my header is of another little bird I photographed in Hawaii. Can you by any chance identify that one please? Not sure but I think this little bird originated in Japan but my memory is poor on that little one.

  12. What a beautiful bird with its red head.


  13. Oh Cloudia, your words and photos ALWAYS fly. Thank you.

  14. each of YOU
    makes my heart FLY!

    thank you SO much :-)

  15. Gorgeous little guy! And 'Gonna Fly Now' reminds me of [your] Philly and [my] Dr. Erica. Thanks for the smiles.
    Happy Valentine's Day in advance--you are always a bright spot in my blogging day.

  16. I'm so happy I flew in, your bird friend is so beautiful! Aloha Ahi Ahi! Karen

  17. I will keep him in mind throughout the day. Thank you very much. Please have a good Friday you all.

  18. if I saw him here in NJ I'd want to rescue him!

    he's beautiful, especially standing on the road, he looks so out of place

  19. Spectacular bird. Great how you caught him.

  20. Your State is filled with LOTS of exotic beautiful creatures.....

  21. Nice pictures ~

    Thanks for sharing them ~

  22. The song reminds me that, in the 70s I fell madly in love with actress Talia Shire, who was and remains blissfully unaware that I exist! Just the other day I saw "Rocky" again on cable, and sure enough, I still love Adrian!

  23. the quote...and the pics are awesome...esp like that first the street...

  24. Pssst...kitty's been by to see me again!

  25. Beautiful little guy. And that Thoreau quote is one of my favourites.

  26. Wonderful cardinal shots - and such a lovely poem full of meaning.

  27. When I was a child, I used to think that was the girl cardinal and the completely red one was the boy. Gorgeous photos, Cloudia!

  28. I've seen er what I call faux sparrows with a red hood like in your pics but with an all black body but other than that, with an identical profile. They give me an erry feeling like they're a raven of crow.

  29. Great post from start to finish. :)

  30. much appreciated - thanks for the thrill of seeing you here, and reading your comments!

  31. Great quotes, pictures - admirable notions. Thanks for the smile!

  32. Very exotic bird, it looks like made of two different bird.
    Gorgeous fotos.

    Have a nice weekend.

  33. I really like the trees in the new blog header and also the photo with the trees with the blue and green tones. Well-done as always. As can be seen on my satire and theology blog, I have been off-line a bit due to virus problems with my old desktop then a blown mainboard in a power outage. I am now on a new notebook which has needed work too.


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