Monday, February 27, 2012

Is Your Moon Lazy?

A  L  O  H  A !

Moon by Akira Kosemura on Grooveshark

Evening brings love,
Night brings rest

 ‘De Halve Maan’ (The Half Moon) Brewery, Bruges since 1856 

It also welcomes the Moon

 in every guise

Courtesy: Bustle and Sew Blog

Asian People see the Moon Rabbit

pounding the elixir of immortality

from the  lunar cassia tree

Here the shy  crescent in my shot.

 " Moon! Moon!
 I am prone before you.
 Pity me, 
and drench me in
 loneliness. "

Amy Lowell

This smashing shot of the brewery building  (top pic)
 courtesy of my friend Filip  

Artist Evelyn De Morgan
created this image that draws
on other historic views
of the Lunar Crescent.
You may view & purchase her work

“In the crook of the crescent moon 

sits the Holy Lady,

 with strong muscles and a merciful heart.

 She kicks her splendid legs 

like the moon is her swing 

and the sky, her front porch.” 

 Rebecca Wells
Divine Secrets of the YA-YA Sisterhood

So Why is the moon 

that I'm shooting

 laying back,

while the classic crescent moon 

depicted in Europe

is vertical?

Our blog friend, Reader Wil

explains that

the closer you get

to the equator

the more horizontal

the moon reposes.

Who Knew? !

I must have noticed this

when I moved to Hawaii

a quarter century ago

but never realized this fact

until now!

How often, 

I wonder,


things and people

we see every day

carry wonders


we never notice?

Share YOUr opinion 

in comments


Thanks for visiting!

                         Warmly, cloudia


  1. You ask an impossible to answer question in that if we don't notice something we don't know what we are missing it. Yet I would say quite often, which is why there is so much turmoil over inconsequential things.

  2. 平常心 !
    The Ordinary mind is probably the best way !

  3. It seems to be only when we take the time to stop and look at the 'ordinary, everyday things' that we realise how extra-ordinary they are.

  4. I always love the moon and look up at it every night. Your shots are beautiful.

  5. Neat post, Cloudia!

    Several would argue that even if «Louis'» moon is lazy, it is not as lazy as he is...

  6. Makes sense - about the crescent moon, I think. It's too early to wrap my brain around it.

  7. What? No pictures and quotes from Newty about his moon colonies. For shame ;)

  8. I'd sure like to be lazy under the moon!

  9. All bout the moon today? I am waiting for Mooncake Festival! LOL!

  10. I took a photo of the same moon is what it is...right?

  11. i have to read nietzsche, than i can give the answer. lol!

  12. ...also i like the dark side of the moon, not pink floyd:)

  13. Thanks for sharing all these interesting moon facts! Now I have to stop mooning and get ready for work!

  14. We tend as a people to become so used to what surrounds us that we take it for granted and often miss what is right there beside us .. keep your eyes AND mind wide open

  15. Oh yes they do, and the discovery can be so enlighting....But beware of those that miss the moons around you! Sadly, even those closest to us miss so much at times.
    I do like your Moons expressed here!..and the wonder about the moon is so mysterious, so much to know and discover about the moon... :)

  16. I was looking at exactly the same thing last night Cloudia, but my crescent moon is definitely a little more upright!

  17. I love the moon. Nice that you honor it here.

    I guess there are so many things we do not notice - the wonders in nature, people and the moon.

  18. Nice picture with the girl in the moon. Thanks for the link to my blog.


  19. Bonza photos and quote by Rebecca Wells

  20. But, but, but...sometimes the moon is sitting upright, and sometimes it's on it's back...or I'm drinkin' too much moonshine in Kansas...the farmers say your reposing moon is a "dry" moon because it catches the rain, so the fields are dry...DrumMajor

  21. what a cool garden of remarks!

    thank YOU

  22. Wow! I didn't know that about the moon. I also didn't know about the moon rabbit. What fun!

  23. Lovely post, as ever, sistah!
    I find taking photos helps me notice the world around me, don't you?
    There are those who say that we often focus on the photos, and the task of photography, rather than that which we are viewing, e.g., child's graduation.
    But not in nature. I love your moons!


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