Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Meet Upstairs

A  L  O  H  A  !
Up On The Roof by Drifters on Grooveshark

" Sometimes your joy
 is the source of your smile,
but sometimes your smile 
can be the source
 of your joy. "

Thich Nhat Hanh

" Don't make the mistake
 of thinking
 that you have to agree
 with people - "

Bryant H. McGill 

" My soul is in the sky "

William Shakespeare

 A Midsummer Night's Dream

"The little things?

                 The little moments?

They aren't little."

Jon Kabat-Zinn

 SO True-

did you see a. . . fish?

       >< } } ( ° >

Kitty & I want to thank you for visiting us today!
Your comments make us unreasonably happy-

                                           Warmly, cloudia   + k


  1. The sky just seems more beautiful where you live.

  2. No fish, but beautiful skies and one very contented putty tat!!

  3. Maybe we need to move everyone to a more temperate climate. No not Hawaii necessarily, just a more temperate climate.

  4. Absolutely great inspirations for beginning the day. Have an excellent winter free day in your world! ;)

  5. those little moments are the ones that connect us.....

  6. Now my son wants a cat exactly like kitty .

  7. aloha, friend!
    thanks so much for your always inspiring posts!

    love that sky!


  8. Beautiful pictures! Loved the skies. Cheers, Ruby.

  9. Love the photos! Yes, the little things aren't so little! : )

  10. Your posts make me unreasonably happy, so we're even.

  11. Cloudia - did you hear my sighs and deep breaths to relax when I clicked on your "total sunset?" Please park my wheelchair to see that when nothing else is working. Kitty needs sunscreen! She's gonna get stripes across her fur! DrumMajor

  12. Gulliver wouldn't have been proud of today's theme. Or, something like that.

  13. Jolly FriendS!

    Thank you SO much :-)

  14. Such wise words! Don't fear aging, you don't have to do anything: it just happens, and it' s a challenge to keep in the running, doing what you like to do. Your photos are so lovely!

  15. you skies are amazing

    Kitty - you are so very beautiful in the golden light

  16. That sunset with the orange sky above the dark blue water looks like a Hiroshige woodblock print. Gorgeous!

  17. I am wholeheartedly in agreement that the little things are in fact the big, the important ones. Thank you Cloudia.

  18. Kitty and I love living indoors!


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