Monday, February 13, 2012

My Honolulu Airspace

A   L   O   H   A  !

Honolulu City Lights by Keola & Kapono Beamer on Grooveshark

After living below decks
on our boat for 20 years,
I now have intimate communion
with cloudy friends & relatives
from my high parapet.

Planes arriving and leaving
via Honolulu International Airport
fly offshore, along the coast of Waikiki.
I have a nice view of landings 
and takeoffs
under my oversight

Joint Base Hickam-Pearl Harbor
is in the same vicinity.
Here an F-22 Raptor 
sports like a
spirited pony.

Boeing C-17 Heavy Airlift ships 
globe-hop from here:
Humanitarian missions
throughout the Pacific
in times of disaster:
Samoan tsunami-
Japanese earthquake/tsunami.

And, yes,
they carry people & arms
to war.

( Returning warriors
are usually aboard chartered
commercial craft. )

Here Airforce One
says goodbye to Oahu
after a visit 
by the First Family.

See the plane to the right?

High Flight

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air. . . .
Up, up the long, delirious burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or ever eagle flew —
And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.
— John Gillespie Magee, Jr

Where are they all going?

Of course, there are those of us
who have found our home,
our Shangri  La,
here in Honolulu Town.
visitors like to come
and visit us-

Thank You  
for being among them-
                     Warmly, cloudia


  1. out cloudia mahahalo for your kind words of my post about my post of the loss of love. thank you for your encouragement during this time. your words don't e unnoticed.

  2. Speaking strictly about its looks and abilities the F22 is awesome.

  3. I live near an airport too - but I do not have a good view and it is not a large one with interesting flights. Still, the poem pretty much sums up what I think of flying.

  4. I see you are still reveling in the joy of being a landlubber Cloudia. It's such a delight to read about your feelings for your new abode. Such interesting things you see from way up there, and Kitty also looks completely settled. I enjoyed this a lot.

  5. You actually saw Air Force One up in our Hawaiian skies? That's incredible, Cloudia. Blessings to you and Tom.

  6. I am not just impressed with the photos, I am impressed you know which plane is which

  7. Hugs High Flier--My dream is to fly in an F-18!

    Thanks for fanning the flames!!!


  8. From water to high exciting. Man you can see really well from where you're at! Lovely poems. Have a nice week Cloudia! =)

  9. Ah, looking up is always fun, and yes, you'd have a constant reminder of this sky and these birds when you are not below deck. Are you missing any part of your former residence?

  10. The view from your condo is so rich with interesting sights.

    Glad you're enjoying land dwelling. I'm impressed too that you know the names of all these planes. How cool to have seen Air Force One.

    Have a great day Cloudia.

  11. I love your vantage point of the skies! What fun! Everytime I venture into Waikiki I wonder where you and Ron are.

  12. After working for almost 28 years for an aircraft manufacturer I always look up when I hear a plane, just to see if it is one of ours. Your pictures are lovely – I like the last photo of the aircraft under the cloud formation.

  13. How I would love to be on one of those planes going to Hawaii.

  14. these comments truly make my day. Thank YOU so much.

    Don't miss the boat, it was great - now it's over. . . .

  15. You could get a job with the Air Force! Kitty got more stripes, she's becoming a tiger! DrumMajor

  16. yes! Stripes should be the title of that shot!!!

  17. What about those of us who no longer want to fly? Do we have to remain earthbound or can we let our thoughts fly freely?

  18. The Zen of Catness. ~Mary

  19. Feels like a whole different world up there. Thank you for lifting me head and sight.
    Please have you all a good Tuesday.

    daily athens photo

  20. all so beautifully captured!

    namaste /\ from mumbai

  21. You've lived below deck on a boat for 20 years! I guess I missed a post or two. Wow. I can see living on a boat, but were you simply physically unable to be on deck?

    I got a movie today about some people who lived in a far North city where they could go a long, long time moving around the city in overhead walkways and so forth without ever going outdoors. So, they bet which of them could stay inside the longest, but they all started to feel trapped; the stress of being indoors had become a greater challenge than the logistics of staying indoors. So, how did you survive that boat?

  22. Beautiful, warm, and up there! I love it!

  23. Lucky you - to have found your heaven on earth!

  24. Looks like a lovely view! Happy Valentine's Day to you, too, cher! Thanks for stopping by and for all of your kind comments.

  25. thoughts fly free!

    SO happy these lovely ones roost here

  26. I love watching planes take off and wonder what adventures the passengers are on. That poem is magnificent, isn't it?

  27. I live by a major airbase and see a lot of traffic if in certain areas, far from my home.

  28. So varied and interesting!
    Beautiful images, Cloudia!

  29. Nice pictures, I love those delicious shades with beautiful skies. Greetings.

  30. Beautiful skies, and an equally beautiful cat. Thank you.

  31. Cool pics Cloudia, what a great idea for a post :)

    Greetings, as always, from Pearl Harbor :)

  32. i'm craving Waikiki, blame it on that plane!!


  33. Yes, a magnificent poem!

    And equally thrilling to me
    that you dear come visit
    and leave me these AWESOME comments.

    I'm very grateful; Thank YOU


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