Monday, March 19, 2012

Cruel to be Cool

A   L   O   H   A  !

Cool Jerk by The Capitols on Grooveshark

Flying Dragon
(facing left)

" If anything,
there's a sort of stigma
around doing good deeds
that's maybe not so cool.
I'm doing everything I can. . .
to figure out a way
we can make it cool,
or normal
to be kind
and loving. "

Lady Gaga

" I never forget a face,
 but in your case
 I'll be glad to make
 an exception. "

Groucho Marx

" The one who gives little
 with a smile
gives more than the one
 who gives much
with a frown. "

    >< } } ( ° >

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 the "Cool" Blog!
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                LOL, cloudia


  1. Colorful shots..... i like it Cloudia.

    warm greetings from Holland, Joop

  2. Love the very cool dragon!! What a great post!

  3. Last week, when I went to the supermarket Cloudia, a man was taking his trolley back and when he saw me coming he waited, gave me a lovely smile and asked if I wanted the trolley. It made my morning - a smile is all it takes.

  4. Well, you're pretty groovy! And that's cool.

    I dunno, good deeds are still okay where I live. Maybe not quite as common as they once were but there are still lots of good people.

  5. I loved Groucho Marx, and I love your photos of a dragon.

  6. I loved Groucho Marx, and I love your photos of dragons.

  7. Fun post, darling!
    Love that Groucho Marx quote!


  8. The grafty is nice but also the yellow sports car.


  9. My goodness that dragon looks angry. Help!

  10. Hi Cloudia....
    I mentioned your blog in my post today, I hope you don't mind...G

  11. I loved that Lady Gaga quote, Cloudia. It does seem that acts of kindness and courtesy stand out more these days because they seem to be so much less frequent. That's so sad, isn't it?

  12. I love that first shot, Cloudia!

  13. I love the dragon, and Lady Gaga is a character!
    But you are an amazing character, too!
    Love visiting...

    Greetings from Cottage Country!

  14. Hmm. A little contradiction today. Lady Gaga makes nice, but Groucho is mean.

  15. I can so picture Groucho Marx saying that, totally deadpan. Ace!

  16. Great shots. Another blogger too posted on dragon. Very interesting.

  17. Dragons are always super cool. Another great post. Thank you.

  18. I love the Groucho Marx quote, but no ones really that ugly!! Surprising quote from Lady Gaga, maybe I should listen more to what she says. Do you have pay pal Cloudia, I'm trying to think of the best way to pay for my 'autographed' book, I mean i could go through amazon, but it wouldn't be the same.

  19. I love that graffito. Ingenius! You find the best stuff in your travels!

  20. I'm all for giving and receiving the smiles. It makes the world a happier place.


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