Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Vintage Car Memories

A  L  O   H   A  !

The other day, 
my normal Waikiki routine
 turned into
British Motoring
 Festival Day!

This beauty at the Post Office 


[ and whispered:
'Get IN' ]

It was stirring a memory. . . 
laying practically on my back
like watching TV in bed. . . .

oh yes!

Dad's yellow Jaguar-

Photo courtesy Harmon Motors

Seems to me, I only rode in it once.
[I was on my own by then.]
But that ride was memorable.
One thing I DO remember:
It was finicky about starting
in the rain.

A Ford Transit
 sat nearby

Nice size
 for a business on an

the Transit is Not TOO big, like some
vehicles I could mention. . .

 HEY! A few blocks away:
Another British motoring icon!

But I couldn't get that small van 
out of my mind;
It was evoking
something from childhood.

But what?


Going to work for the day
with Dad in his
"English Ford."

This was before 'compact cars'

when the Volkswagen 
was still new
-and strange-
to those accustomed to 
BIG American Cars !

can bring you back around
to something you
keep remembering

Often when driving
I remember one of the things
he said near the end:

"I just wish I could 
drive my car."

Remembering that
brings joy
back to driving,
and dissolves
traffic blues.

Miss ya Dad

& Thanks to YOU, my friend
for looking in
                              Warmly, cloudia

  >< } } ( ° >


  1. yea, that's a Lotus. I've seen it around Waikiki as well.

  2. Of course the jag was a hard start in the rain, it was meant for mist and fog. Brit engineering and all.

  3. Memories are precious .. how incredibly BRIGHT is the paint on those cars .. more brilliant perhaps due to the Hawaiian sunlight?

  4. Thanks for the ride, Cloudia!!!

  5. What funky cars your Pop had. I didn't know Jags were made in yellow. You could put your scooter on top of that new square version....DrumMajor

  6. Your dad's yellow Jaguar is absolutely stunning! It kinda reminds me of Bumblebee, a character in Transformers. I wish my dad had a car like that too. It would be amazing to drive that around and pretend like you’re actually riding Bumblebee. =)

  7. I laugh - my first car was considered small at the time - 4 cylinder - now it would be a mid-size.

  8. Oh Cloudia my heart goes out to that little Ford too. Thank you for sharing this beautiful "zoom, zoom" kind of day with us. :) Karen

  9. Very interesting festival. Do you know, dear Cloudia, that I have a yellow car?
    Ciao dall'Italia.

  10. Yellow giggles of Happiness!

    thank you dear friends-

  11. loved the jag!
    precious dad

    namaste /\ from mumbai

  12. Of all the cars above I love the English Ford the best, useful with character! I miss my Dad also.

  13. thank YOU most sincerely dear Friends

  14. I'm so glad the memories of your dad can come back to bring you some peaceful joy.


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