Sunday, April 15, 2012

Let Them Be

A  L  O  H  A !

" The first step 
towards getting somewhere
 is to decide 
that you are not
 going to stay where you 
are.  "

Chauncey Depew

" When you do the
 common things in life 
in an uncommon way,
 you will command 
the attention of 
the world.  "

George Washington Carver

" -eyes without speaking 
confess the secrets
 of the heart. "

 Saint Jerome 

 " It is because of the 
of parents and others
that children 
are able to grow
and become
themselves. . . "

To give love
is to give the precious
gift of nothing,
 To give love
is to let be. "

Herbert McCabe


Which reminds me
of one of my favorite

A blogger
went to visit
a friend in the hospital.
The blogger fussed about,
spoke to the staff,
freshened up the room.

the friend blurted out:
"Don't just DO something-
STAND there!"

In other words:
Don't try to fix me,
just BE for me,
be WITH me.

I want to thank YOU
for standing by
Comfort Spiral-
That's ME !

                             Warmly, cloudia


  1. there's too much needed fixing around here to even worry about fixing somebody else's imperfections.

  2. right up to your usual standard.

  3. Fabulous pics as always Cloudia!

  4. I like Depew's quote. That was my sentiment when I decided to be a writer. Just do it!

  5. Love that rainbow. And your story at the end reminded me of when I was in the hospital for a few days and gave me insight into how to be a good hospital visitor.

  6. Loved Kitty, loved golden Hawaii, loved your words..It's annoying me so much that I haven't had five minutes to start the book yet, any day now!!

  7. good lesson. Sometimes just being there is the most important. I need to remember this for Lana.

  8. Sometimes to sit with a friend and listen to the unspoken words between them, is all that needs to be said! Thinking happy thoughts, Karen

  9. Beautiful as always, Cloudia. Sometimes it's difficult to keep from wanting to DO something but this is a good reminder that it's not always what's needed.

  10. These words are so true, sweet, beautiful. Thank you.

  11. yes... don't try to change me, just accept me for who I am, where I am, and how I got here. Lovely as always Cloudia!

  12. I like the first quote very much but all combinations are true. Well done!

    Liebe Grüße,

  13. Love the story and the eloquent eyes of Miss Kitty!

  14. That first quote just screams at me these days - in a very good and productive way!

  15. reason of being, what challenge, what comfort in its possibilities.

    first two pictures are awesome.

    please have a good new week ahead.

    daily athens photo

  16. Another most excellent post. Thank you.

  17. Bonza photos and the quote by Chauncey Depew :-).

  18. sincere thanks, each of YOU
    for the thrill I get reading your thoughts.


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