Sunday, April 22, 2012

Losing YOUR Internet in July?

 A  L  O  H  A !

 " A prudent question
 is one-half of wisdom.  "

Francis Bacon

" Chance fights 
ever on the side 
of the prudent.  "



 " - who is prudent
 and lies in wait 
for an enemy who is not, 
will be victorious.  "

Sun Tzu

" It is better to be
even though
 one makes more mistakes,
 than to be narrow-minded 
and all too prudent.  "

Vincent Van Gogh

  > < } } (°>

 " The FBI is warning
 that hundreds of thousands of computers
 could lose their Internet connections
 come July, 
unless they take steps
 to diagnose and disinfect their computers.
The problem is related to malware called DNSChanger 
that was first discovered way back in 2007 and that has infected millions of computers worldwide."

  Edward Moyer,

You can check your machine NOW
by clicking on the links below.

 Check your machine - HERE
 Other Languages -  HERE
Learn more -

" Life has no blessing 
like a prudent friend. "


This is essentially
a selfish post;
To lose YOU
would be

So be safe.

Let's be kind,

Thank YOU
for visiting.

                                         Warmly, cloudia 


  1. Thank you Cloudia and I will check out the links. I think we have arrived into the Terminator age:)

    Cloudia, my blog has a new address and it is on my profile. Thank you Cloudia.

  2. days of end, Cloudia. No computer for an entire month.

  3. The second picture is very good


  4. Gorgeous first image Cloudia, scary message though! Have been enjoying a bit of reading, now using green turtle for bookmark although might have to change to shiny green square, anymore surprises!!

  5. I spent two hours with a remote Dell technician yesterday getting a virus off my computer. Hopefully with all the security he put place, I won't get that one.

  6. I am clean...oh and so is my PC. {;-p}--

  7. Thanks for that info... July is a ways away. hahaha

  8. What the images!
    What would I do if in July I get a lot of free time, my eyes, back and bottom will thank Terminator so happily))
    2 days ago I went Hawaii dance class, it was amazing, relaxing, joyful experience. Aloha!

  9. How come there's something so good about your selfishness?

    I did check and I'm okay. Thanks.

    That first photo enthralled me.

  10. Happy Sunday and thank you :)

  11. Missing much the time when I used a fountain pen and snail mail to exchange thoughts around the world. Many times waiting half a month for the reply.
    Please have a good new week ahead.

    daily athens photo

  12. jolly to see each of you looking so sleek and sassy!

  13. A few less poems. The world would go on, I have no doubt.


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