Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sometimes Small Thing

A  L  O  H  A !

Small Things by Steve Sidwell on Grooveshark

" There are no passengers
 on Spaceship Earth. 
We are all crew. "

Marshall McLuhan.

" We all live 
under the same sky,
 but we don't all have 
the same horizon."   

Adenauer, Konrad

" Everyone is trying 
to accomplish something big,
 not realizing 
that life is made up 
of little things.  "

Frank Howard Clark

" For in the dew 
of little things 
the heart finds 
its morning 
and is refreshed.  "

Khalil Gibran

 > < } } (°>

Have you seen this equation before?
 IV = III + III 
 [4 = 3 + 3] 

By moving one line
you can make it

I had to look
for a long time
to figure it out.

Do you see it?
Answer is below.

One day, a big truck
became wedged tightly
under a low bridge.

Rescue officials
puzzled over how to remove it.

They tried to hook the truck
and pull it out,
but it didn't work.

Some wanted to use tools
to cut off the vehicle roof;

Others wanted to 
a few inches
from the cement over-pass.

A small child
turned to Mother and asked:

"Why not let
some air out of the 
truck's tires?" 

That's what they did. 

And it worked!

And the equation?

Move the I in IV [4]
to the V's other side:
VI [6]

6 = 3 + 3.

Easy as pie
when you change
one little thing.

How often our view
of life
revolves on one
little thing!
Thank YOU
for visiting !

                         Warmly, cloudia


  1. I skipped right to the answer on the arithmetic because numbers and I are allergic to each other.


    One day about 15 years ago here a garbage truck (I was working for DPW at the time) got trapped underneath a bridge, same as the story. All these grown men stood around, walked around, scratched their head and everything else trying to:

    A figure out to whom the blame fell

    B deciding on the proper course of action to clear the road

    Letting the air out of the tires and driving off would have ruined the tires so what did they do?

    Why took a plasma cutter to the box and destroyed about 100k worth of truck. It worked but I never could understand why tires were more important than the truck itself.

    Like you said Sista' it's the little things.

  2. i like these pictures very much Cloudia.....specally the first one.

    Greetings, Joop

  3. " Everyone is trying
    to accomplish something big,
    not realizing
    that life is made up
    of little things. "

    Frank Howard Clark

    Love that quote, so true!

  4. Thank you for sharing your wisdom again! Have a great week! Groeten, Wil

  5. some of the crew on spaceship earth best get their lazy okoles moving is all I can say. Always enjoyed your random photos of wooden houses.

  6. So true and so easy (?)
    I love Konrad Adenauer's saying..
    The most clever man Germany had in politics...

  7. Wonderful post!! We always need a fresh perspective!

  8. This is always such a pleasant place to visit. It's a good reminder - to think outside the box.

  9. Out of the mouths of babes, they see things in a much less complicated way than adults. Have a fab day Cloudia.

  10. Aloha Cloudia! Today is a holiday in Portugal, but it’s the worst winter day we had since last October... As grey as if we were living in Northern Europe... So, the only right thing to do is surfing the Net... ;)

    Easy as pie... ;)

    Blogtrotter Two is now in St. Kitts and Nevis... Enjoy and have a great week!!!

  11. Cloudia, you clever woman, I got it before I looked at the answer. Thanks for challenging us.

    The sky in that first photo is surreal.

  12. A lovely post about how little things affect big things. Two halves of the same thing, actually !

  13. Got stuck in an underground garage in Quebec City once. Four gents on the back bumper did the trick. Released!

  14. Bonza photos and the quote by Frank Howard Clark rings true :-).

  15. I always feel uplifted after my daily visit to you.
    Woderful photos and comments

  16. Love Love LOVE these comments!!!

    thanks SO much

  17. It is indeed the little things. I loved the Marshall McCluhan quote. Very true, and not considered often enough.
    Thanks Cloudia


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