Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bless the Fathers

A  L  O  H  A !

Leader Of The Band by Dan Fogleberg on Grooveshark

 Click on the Photos

" I cannot think

 of any need in childhood

 as strong as the need 

for a father's protection."


" Sometimes the poorest man
 leaves his children
 the richest inheritance.  "

Ruth E. Renkel

" Dad, 
your guiding hand 
on my shoulder 
will remain with me 
forever.  "


 Look around.

This moment,

These people,

This place-

THIS is treasure!

I hope you enjoy it

                         Warmly, cloudia


  1. I had a biological male parent but my father had a different nature to him.

  2. Wish I had been as good a father as I had myself.

  3. Lovely tribute to Fathers Day Cloudia, wish my Dad was here, but really he is in spirit always. Sometimes the views from your new abode leave me brethless, oh my you are soooo high up there!

  4. Nice quotes: I like them very much.
    Wish you a good new week dear Cloudia. The color of your sunsets is gorgeous.

  5. This is treasure indeed. I'm sitting in the family room, my dogs beside me, my husband close by on another computer. We speak every once in a while, to appreciate the reality and then conform again to the technology. And, we're happy.

    Hope your day is super happy too.

  6. Promise to spend an extra moment with my son tomorrow ! Second quote wonderful !

    Please have you all a good new week.

  7. beautiful captures!!

    namaste /\ from mumbai

  8. Lovely tribute to fathers, and I love the last picture, superb.

  9. You two are photogs that I admire, so your comments make me BEAM!

    Thank you

  10. A beautiful post for Father's Day. I am remembering your post about your last car ride with your dad....

  11. A beautiful tribute for all fathers on father's day!

  12. so good to see you and your generous comments, friends!

    Wow, Sandy. That means a lot


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