Sunday, June 3, 2012

I am a Difficult Person

 A  L  O  H  A !

(Hmmmm, what did she mean by THAT?!)

" Some people die at 25
 and aren't buried until 75.  "

Benjamin Franklin

" There are some people 
if they don't already know, 
you can't tell 'em.  "

Yogi Berra

" Nobody realizes 

that some people

 expend tremendous energy 

merely to be normal.  "

Albert Camus


“ True wisdom 
comes to each of us
 when we realize
 how little we understand
 about life,
 & the world
 around us. ”

" Nothing pains some people
 more than having to
 think.  "

Martin Luther King, Jr.


" Even against the greatest of odds,
 there is something 
in the human spirit -
a magic blend of skill,
 faith, and valor -
 that can lift us
 from certain defeat
 to incredible victory. " 

 Walter Lord
 (1917 - 2002)




  >  <  }  }  ( ° >

I read a fascinating article
in Psychology Today
about Difficult People.

We all know them.

I wanted some tips:
how NOT
to let THEM
entangle me
in their dramas,
or worse,
to infect my emotions!

The Article was a clever inventory
of several difficult types,
all recognizable,
and each illustrated
with celebrity examples.

One thing became clear:
As I began to comprehend
the rationale behind
each 'difficult behavior'
A little voice
showed me that 
I too
had behaved that way
at some time.

One feature
of difficult people
is that they blame
for the situations
that they themselves
over and over again.

Difficult people
lack self-knowledge
of HOW
they themselves
affect others.

So (follow me here)
for me to identify with
these very human traits-
to see them in myself
as well as in others-
made me feel
very mentally healthy,
Mature even!

There is so much anger
and blame around.
Powerful forces
that do not have 
YOUR best interest
as their prime motive
have fomented
enormous disunity
in Society

Like the plantation masters
of "old"
they know that if we fight
each other
over nonsense
then we cannot
join together
in our own
best interests,
and those of people
Like Us
all over the globe.

So here it is:
"I'm a difficult person.
Sometimes I must be wrong
because I am human.
Let's really HEAR
each other
and stop looking 
for points to score
in an endless

I'm game.

Are YOU?

Take Away Insight - Leave Your Comment

                           Warmly, cloudia

 [ Info from the article mentioned are below with link ]




7 Ways to Defuse a Difficult Encounter

Having learned the hard way, Vancouver physician (and PT blogger) Susan Biali offers concrete steps for dealing with unreasonable person.
  1. Minimize time with problem people. Keep interactions as short as possible.
  2. Keep it logical. Communications should be fact-based with minimal details. Don't try to connect and reason with difficult people. Their response will often only make you more upset.
  3. Focus on them in conversation. One way to avoid being the target of demeaning comments, manipulation, or having your words twisted is to say as little as possible. They are a far safer subject of conversation than you are.
  4. Give up the dream that they will one day be the person you wish them to be. There are people in our lives who have moments when they seem to be the parent/partner/spouse/friend/whatever we've always wanted. Yet they end up disappointing or hurting us. Accepting the person as is can be a remarkable relief.
  5. Avoid topics that get you into trouble. Before any interaction with a difficult person, mentally review the topics that invite attack and make an effort to avoid them. If your in-laws always demean your choice of career, change the topic immediately if they ask how your work is going.
  6. Don't try to get them to see your point of view. Don't try to explain yourself or get them to empathize with you.They won't. And you'll just feel worse for trying.
  7. Create a distraction. Play with a pet if there is one handy. Plan the interaction around some kind of recreational activity or entertainment. Or get the other person to do something that absorbs their attention (taking it off you). Just don't use alcohol as your distraction of choice. It will only make you more likely to say or do something that will set you up as a target or make you feel bad later.


  1. So you're saying that it's all your fault? I agree sista'. would you mind defining "it's" for me in the context of my usage?

  2. nothing new, when you live in a highrise building. Believe me.

  3. Very interesting. I like the tips at the end. :)

  4. Very cool, Cloudia. We all have our moments when we can be difficult but some make it their life mission to do so. Love this :)

  5. Excellent insights here(the 7 Ways to Defuse.)I've had to do them all.

  6. Whether it's me or someone else being difficult I try to remember tip number 6.

  7. some people just relish in being difficult, its all they know, they will never change, the trick is too not buy into it or become it, its infectious , like negativity, it breeds. I try to stay away from negative people, and difficult people, I for one do not enjoy the challenge of an obstinate personyou tips are wonderful!!!!

  8. heh, my mother is coming to visit...i needed to keep those dogs around for constant distraction....maybe i should get a puppy!...oh ya, did that once when i visited her already!

  9. I have my moments for sure. Difficulty, thy name is charles. Once in a while at least

  10. Nice Claudia. It's hard to look in the mirror and find a difficult person. But, that's the only one we can hope to change.

  11. am difficult. came to understand that. am trying to improve. thank you very much for this teaching. please have you all a good new week ahead.

  12. Oh man these are good Cloudia. I seriously need to work on this. =) Thanks for some great tips.

  13. Love the 7 and I've used some of these tactics when dealing with difficult personalities I can't avoid...and yes, they help!

    Great quotes as well. Staying positive and keeping an open heart works wonders.

    Cheers, chica!

  14. you friends are the BEST!

    Thanks so much

  15. peace

    namaste /\ from mumbai

  16. I learn something everyday from your quotes !

  17. Great post - so thought-worthy.

    We are all difficult sometimes... that's humanity. The difficulty is trying to listen with compassion when there is so much drama around.

    As for Socrates - he was very wise!

  18. Very beautiful photos and texts to stimulate the thinking.


  19. and the "inventor" should patent the plan. Then you could sell it to the world! DrumMajor

  20. great tips, thanks for sharing, cloudia.

    love the flower photos and the quotes.


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