Sunday, June 10, 2012

In a Garden

A  L  O  H  A !

  Nago Nago by Manu Dibango on Grooveshark

" Asparagus 
inspires gentle thoughts. "
Charles Lamb

See that?

“ Don’t put off living
 to next week, 
next month, next year 
or next decade.
The only time you’re ever
is in this moment.”  

 Celestine Chua

Well hello!

" Science arose from poetry... 
when times change 
the two can meet again 
on a higher level 
as friends.  "


“My life is my message.” 


" A gentleman has his eyes 
on all those present; 
he is tender toward
 the bashful, 
gentle toward 
the distant, 
and merciful 
 toward the absent.  "

Lawrence G. Lovasik

" I stare and stare.
 It seems 
I was called for this: 
To glorify things 
just because 
they are.  "

Czeslaw Milosz

- in a garden. . .

" Some people
 think luxury is the opposite
 of poverty.
 It is not. 
It is the opposite of 
vulgarity. "

Coco Chanel


Thanks for rambling here!

Take away Peace - Leave Your Comment

                            Warmly, cloudia


  1. I was right there with you until I got to Coco Chanel...Vulgarity is the quality of being common, coarse or unrefined...I guess she really enjoyed her wealth and fame.

  2. I do so agree about living for the moment Cloudia.

  3. Love your cute little friend!!

  4. I really like that Science and Poetry quote. I agree absolutely

  5. “ Don’t put off living to next week,
    next month, next year or next decade.
    The only time you’re ever living
    is in this moment.”

    Celestine Chua

    Love that quote.

  6. Because my grandmother told me once that lizards are good luck, I always welcome them in my sight. Having seen your pictures here, I know my day will be full of good things. Thanks so much, and I hope your day is full of good fortune too.

  7. I like your little cold-blooded friend.

  8. the gecko looks mean. You better leave him alone.

  9. they are said to provide luck to those seeing them. great picture together with the Gandhi quote.

    thank you for the reminder to take a walk in our garden during summer.

    Please have you all a good new week.

    daily athens photo

  10. superb work!!

    namaste /\ from mumbai

  11. Beautiful series of pictures, Cloudia! I find so true Gandhi's words.
    Have a pleasant day!

  12. YOU
    are much appreciated!

    thanks SO much

  13. My life is my message...words worth remembering.

  14. beautiful words and photos but Coco was wrong, very wrong,

  15. I love your little friend Cloudia, not to mention the psychedelic images, very cool!

  16. Your quotes beat CoCo ANY DAY!

    Thanks friends


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