Wednesday, June 13, 2012


A  L  O  H  A !
Click on the Photos

 “ A man must dream
 a long time
 in order to act 
with grandeur;

 And dreaming
is nursed in 

 Jean Genet

 “ Everything around us
 is made up of energy. 

To attract positive things
 in your life, 
start by giving off
 positive energy. ” 

Celestine Chua

 " Follow 
your inner moonlight; 
don't hide
 the madness.” 

 Allen Ginsberg

" All I've done 
all my life 
is disobey. ” 

Edith Piaf

" A garden must
 combine the poetic 
and the mysterious 
with a feeling of serenity 
and joy.  "

Luis Barragan

" Understanding
 is a two-way street. "

Eleanor Roosevelt


If You don't believe
that integrity exists
you will be proved

If You live integrity,
you will meet it
knowing immediately
when it is

Thank YOU !

Take Away Encouragement - Leave Your Comment

Warmly, cloudia


  1. Even a liar believes if the lie is for the greater good that person believes they are acting with integrity.

    Tell me the truth as the truth knows itself to be and I will then at least know I am not being deceived.

    There are some damn good liars out there.



  3. Always always always you find the perfect words to compliment the photos

  4. Gorgeous pictures and wonderful quotes!!

  5. That yellow at the bottom is amazing!

  6. I hear you about the positive vibes Cloudia..always!!

  7. Those cloud photos are wonderful.

  8. these comments from YOUr heart
    are flowers to me!!!!!

    SO lovely-

    So appreciated!

  9. Thought provoking quotes as usual, and beauty captured as usual. Thank you Cloudia.

  10. Don't hide the madness...great advice! I never do, chica. :)

  11. OMG ! I cannot believe how just RIGHT on-target came some of these quotes in my case. I was just thinking these days about my parents (b/c I am in Norway and they are in Romania right now, plus, in general I have been living as an independent "adult" for a while...yet forever a child, of course, in my parents' eyes), and if there is 1 single word that could describe my Dad's character it would be Integrity, and that first quote from Jean Genet just somehow captured his personal style and even managed to better illuminate it for my own understanding of him at a more mature level than ever before.

    (to follow)

  12. Then came the next quote from Celestine Chua (who I admit I google'd b/c I had no idea who she might be, and I was very pleased to find out her website and her earnest and totally ethical business consultant manner), which managed to somehow capture the style of my realistic & always optimistic positive and energetic Mom !

    (to follow...I'm on a roll ! truly has this article of yours hit me in all the right emotional spots !)

  13. Afterwards, that quote from modernist described also as minimalist, (although I kind of suspect he may have also been an unavoidably latin inclined somewhat sunny romantic, not just a mere bare bones minimalist), mexican architect, (me also carrying a great deal of respect for real life professional architects of whatever style), Luis Barragan, just described for me that bond between my parents, (who have been together & have laudably remained together through really thick & thin more than 35 years), a type of really realistically based & mature loving stable relationship that I have never ceased to admire & wonder if it is even possible to find or attain so often in our days.

    (Grand Finale commentary to follow)

  14. Dear Cloudia,

    Thank you. All I can hope for myself is to remember from time to time to think & not forget about the realistic style of practically grounded & efficaceous compassion of former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt + not to give up hope that one can actually find authentically good role models, even maybe ethical mentors, around one in the real world these days too, just if one manages to be a little less narrow-focused than, for example, I myself about Me, maybe too often quite a bit. Your blog is truly both a high quality educational experience for me, and also a true "comfort zone" I can always count on !

  15. " Understanding
    is a two-way street. "

    Eleanor Roosevelt

    Excellent point!

  16. I totally agree with you, Cloudia. If you believe the worst is out there, you'll find it. If you expect the best, that is also there. You are the best!


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