Saturday, July 21, 2012

Alas - A Loss

A  L  O  H  A !

 Friends by Elton John on Grooveshark

" If having a soul 
means being able
 to feel love and loyalty
 and gratitude, 
then animals are better off 
than a lot of humans. "

 James Herriot quotes

" If there are angels
on Earth,
they are
animals. "

My Husband

" It is hard to be brave, 
when you're only
 a Very Small Animal. "

 A. A. Milne

" The love
 for all living creatures
 is the most noble
 attribute of man. "

 Charles Darwin

My Constant Companion,

Ship's Cat First Class,
Dock Master.
Third Mate
Ships Doctor.

Retired Ashore

Took some getting used to -

But it became Home
because She came along too-

at 9:40 am
Hawaiian Standard time
My Friend
Pepper Haneen Charters
 passed in my arms.

Our world feels empty.

But we are so grateful
for her time with us.

Please Understand
if I am not around
much for a few days.

Thanks for being a 
for visiting & commenting.

It really means

Fondly, cloudia

Just this side of heaven
 is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown... 



  1. Oh Cloudia - how well I understand your loss. So sorry. (((HUG)))

  2. My heart is with you....our animals are our babies.....losing them is a time of terrible grief. Your kitty had a wonderful life....and that is all we can give them. They give us so much! I never really got over the passing of my dog, Pablo.....but getting Macey has healed my heart so much! Take care! hugs, susan xoxox

  3. Am terribly sorry to hear your loss. Your friend hasn't left you; she is there in the kitten waiting for you.

  4. Dear Cloudia -- So sorry about your Pirate Kitty. You will recognize her over the Rainbow Bridge, because she absolutely has the longest whiskers ever. Glad she got some retirement time from her sailor duties. Aloha, hugs, tissues. Dadgumit, we humans keep hangin' out with lovely creatures with shorter lives, and then start all over again. Rest and Peace, DrumMajor

  5. sorry for your loss Cloudia. wishing you peace and comfort during this time of sorrow.

  6. I am so sorry Cloudia
    I know how much it hurts
    I am sending you hugs
    many many hugs

  7. I am so sorry. I will be thinking of you.

  8. Oh Coudia, I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful Pepper. I know how that aches. Big hugs to you, my friend.

  9. Tears, with you Dear Friend--I share your grief! HUGS to you and Hubby!


  10. I am so very sorry.

    Oh, & Dog & Man. Beautiful, in a way triumphant, but also...painful. That picture laces extraordinary with ordinary.

  11. You



    helped. . . . .


  12. Last time I read about that 'Rainbow Bridge' heard that it leads to Timbuktu.

    Your love will surely negate time and distance.

  13. So sorry to hear about your loss. Miss Kitty will be missed! Hugs!!!

  14. I am so sorry about your loss. What a beautiful tribute to your friend. My heart goes out to you. Wow. What a beauty. Your husband is right about those angels. You don't--you won't--walk alone.

  15. Es ist immer mit sehr viel Leid verbunden jemanden zu verlieren, doch bleibt uns auch der Trost diesen Verlust nicht zu vergessen...

    Lieben Gruß

  16. As a rule animals have been given a shorter life span than humans that humans might learn that grief is a part of love. Calm seas and fair winds as you send your shipmate off to rest and frolic at her leisure.

  17. Oh Cloudia I am so sorry for your loss. I have loved seeing your pretty kitty's photos from boat kitty to landlubber, always brought a constant smile to us out here. May she rest in peace and I'm sending you a big hug.

  18. YOUr words here

    have meant more to me

    than you would believe.

    I'm kinda a loner, have a wonderful
    marriage, and lot's of friends who
    have passed, or moved on.

    They say most of us make fewer friends as we age, (I guess that's true) but thanks to blogging, I have met, gotten to know (a bit)
    some great folks (you!) that I would never have met. I feel less lonely in the world. Sure, there are folks to love and smile at every where we go, but the special connection of repeated sharing creates something that at this sad moment is reveled to be very tangible, helpful & lovely.

    What a blessing you have brought.

    From the bottom of my heart:
    Mahalo Nui Loa
    (Thanks big and long)

    Your friend, c-

  19. You know how much furkids mean to heart goes out to for your loss. I know how much your furbaby was loved and loved you. xxoo

  20. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Oh, Clouds. I am so so SO very sorry to hear this. This just can't be right. I'm crying with you here in Michigan. I do love that Rainbow Bridge thing and take comfort from it, and I believe that we will see our animal family members again. Sending you lots of love from Bosco and me. (and he is about to get a huge hug from his mom)


    It means a lot, and confirms the aloha I have had for both of you for a long time.

    Thanks very much for the support.

  22. It is painful I know. Some time back I too lost a pet.Very sorry for you now. Take care.

  23. Oh, I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your dear friend.

  24. The poor man and his dog, it is shameful.

  25. oh my Cloudia, gentle ((((love filled hug))) to you.

  26. I am so sorry for your loss, my dear Cloudia.
    The story about the Rainbow Bridge
    hope it comforts your heart!!

    My thoughts are with you!!

  27. sending you lots of cyber hugs ..

  28. thanks very much, you magnificent 7 !

  29. So sorry to hear about the loss of such a close friend - I can feel your pain. Words are inadequate.

    Thank you for sharing the memories in this special post.


  30. Oh Cloudia, I'm so very sorry. It's is wrenching to lose one who is so close to us. Sending you a hug over the cyber waves.

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