Friday, July 6, 2012

My Angry Friends

A  L  O  H  A !
I Am A Child by Buffalo Springfield on Grooveshark
" Freedom is the right 
to tell people 
what they do not want
 to hear. "

George Orwell

 “ It is generally agreed that
 is an appropriate greeting
because if you entered a room 
and said
 it could confuse
 a lot of people ”

 Dolph Sharp

" Love
 is of the soul.
 is of the personality. "

 Gary Zukav 
 "Seat Of The Soul"

" The only thing
more destructive
than a tornado
is a family. "

Reynolds Price

 " You
 multitude of the dead
 are merely
 who have done certain things, 
and the memory of those things
 illuminates my path. "

Frank Herbert,

" Have a heart
 that never hardens. .  . 
and a touch 
that never hurts.  "

Charles Dickens

< ° ) } } > <

Some people 
seem so angry 
these days.

Everyone it seems
reserves the right
to be right

 they are angry about it.

Some people
are scary angry,
full of far-fetched
conspiracy theories-
all of which
seem to match
their own
prejudices, and 
comfort zone-
isn't that convenient!
in judging those
they never met,
their own motivations
are a mystery 
to themselves.

If you don't agree
100 percent
then they become angry
at you too;
Or if they like you,
merely condescending
and dismissive.

Angry people
 want to instruct
 you & me
because NOBODY
who understands
could possibly
with their
version of events.

Hey angry people,
I'm done engaging with you.
You never listen,
you never acknowledge
anything I say.
Facts bounce off you-
so I'm done.

"What, "
you say,
"You are dismissing my views
from here on out,
without even listening?! "

Yes, angry friend,
Now I am going
to behave
 just like you.

Only without the 
corrosive anger.

Instead I will laugh
to myself
as I shake my head
and give your 
radical lunacy
the wide berth
it so richly

With Voltaire
and an intellectual,
so you no-doubt
think he's stupid) 
with Voltaire I say:

" Think for yourself, 
ditto head,
and let others enjoy
the same privilege. " 

What do you,
my non-angry friends
think about this?

                         Warmly,  cloudia


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice rainbow picture Cloudia.


  3. *shrug* Anger is a natural part of our make up, it's when we mix it with BELIEVED lies that it get's it's saddest display. I say go ahead and laugh, there is already not enough people who get the joke.

  4. Thanks for your reactions in dutch,
    wish you a very good weekend Cloudia.

    warm greetings from Holland, Joop

  5. "The only thing
    more destructive
    than a tornado
    is a family."
    Reynolds Price

    ???????? I'm confused on this one. Sounds like sour grapes to me.

  6. just toss them into the mixed nuts jar.

  7. sometimes that anger is passion....intense, energetic, over the top passion....but that's scary too!

  8. I always think that George Orwell said some very wise things in a very few words loudia.

  9. I like to be "non-angry." DrumMajor

  10. Sounds like you encountered some unpleasantness recently. We all get angry.. it's not a bad thing unless it's not done respectfully. When someone is angry all the time, I know it's their problem and not mine. Wise decision to laugh it off. And lovely photos, as always.

  11. Oh la la! Cloudia! I do agree, mega angry people are ugly people and not a joy to be around. Happy thoughts coming your way.

  12. The pictures are great. , quotes are fantastic.

    What you say about angry,opinionated people - right on.

  13. Ja, viele Menschen sind wütend, auf andere und eigentlich doch nur auf sich selbst, doch sie werden es niemals zugeben. Wut entsteht meistens aus Unzufriedenheit und ist eine der schlechtesten Eigenschaften der Menschen, denn dadurch geschieht so viel Leid auf dieser Welt...

    Lieben Gruß

  14. it is a hard line to draw between passion and anger. to be passionate about a cause or an opinion can easily turn to anger if someone does not join in. we are such flawed human creatures.

  15. I often laugh to myself & at myself. I do love a gentle opinion.

  16. Angry people Piss me off!

    You-- Not so much!

    Hugs sweet Sista,


    GREAT Photos as always! and that pisses me off too!

  17. LOL!

    thanks, friends for laughing along with me. It means a LOT!

  18. Your shots are wonderful, cara Cloudia.
    Buon fine settimana! (wish you a nice w.e.)
    Baci (kisses)

  19. Love your beautiful shots and inspiring quotes. Angry people need anger management. Perhaps they inspire me not to be like them!

  20. Actually I avoid people like that. I'm rather a non-confrontational sort of person I'm afraid.

  21. It's a good thing to be able to be angry over some things. They deserve that response.

  22. Powerful Cloudia. Being happy and making others happy makes you feel good, anger doesn't, it's toxic to your well-being and to others. I don't like being around angry people, and that goes for the passive aggressives too.

  23. Way to be!

    namaste /\ from mumbai

  24. I totally love that song, Neil Young at his best. And the pictures are really great.

  25. Yes, Charles. Sometimes anger is appropriate!

    thanks EACH of YOU my Friends


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