Thursday, October 4, 2012

No Apologies

A    L    O    H    A  !
 " It is a good rule in life
never to apologize.
The right sort of people
do not want apologies,
and the wrong sort
take a mean advantage
of them. "

P.G. Wodehouse

" A stiff apology
 is a second insult.
The injured party does not want
 to be compensated. . .
 he wants to be healed 
because he has been hurt.  "

Gilbert K. Chesterton

 " Too much apology
doubles the offense. "

James Richardson

" Apology is a lovely perfume;
 it can transform 
the clumsiest moment 
into a gracious
 gift. "

Margaret Lee Runbeck


How wonderful that


have chosen to visit us
here today.

Today I was thinking
that all advice,
every quote,
is but an approximation
of deeper universal
Universal truths
too personal
too paradoxical
to be spoken
 in words.

That of yourself
which you bring here
is more than

Something of value,
a circuit of energy,
passes among us,
you & me.

Your kind visit
 adds an irreplaceable element 
to our day: YOU! 

 'Take Peace & Laughs - Leave Your Comment'
 Thanks pal
                       Warmly, cloudia

" Friends are God's apology for relations.  "
Hugh Kingsmill


  1. Uhh I apologize for making you think I am kind. hahahahahaahaha!

  2. If I have done wrong - I am happy to apologise. And I loved your contradictory quotes today - they made me think about what I really do believe. Thank you.

  3. Beautiful. The Wodehouse quote is especially resonant.

  4. the words I leave after this line will be invisible but still there,

  5. Apologies must be sincere or it's better not to apologize : )

  6. smiles...i hear what they are saying on apologizing too much....there is a point it makes the offense worse for sure....and leaves us stuck in that moment...

    aloha from va

  7. By the time you apologize, the undesirable deed has already been done. Why was it done in the first place, when you knew it was not the right thing to do? Usually it is a lack of true respect or it would not have happened. There are times when an apology can work, but it offers two messages.

  8. I love the quote about friends being God's apology for relatives. That made me laugh.

  9. Love means never having to say you're sorry....Love Story quote, could this be true!

  10. It's always a pleasure to visit you Cloudia. x

  11. As usual, I think I go for the first quote. Keep 'em coming!

  12. I hate an obligatory apology. I'd rather hear silence. But, if it's honest and heartfelt, then I appreciate it.

    I'm sure not sorry to be here.

  13. Beautiful pictures again Claudia, beautiful skies.

  14. a lack of apology is sometimes more hurtful than the original deed.

  15. Certainly too many folks do take advantage of apologies. Sad.

  16. I never thought so much about this topic, apology must be sincere, it should sound sincere, look sincere. Great post Cloudia, made me think.

  17. Good morning Cloudia, such an important message today. It brings to mind one of my favorite quotes, "Love means never having to say you're sorry" I bet there are a lot of people who can remember where that was made famous...right? Happiness throughout your journey today-Karen

  18. great quotes to live by.

    keep'em coming!


  19. wonderful to consider apologies in all these facets.

  20. Nie dla każdej wyrządzonej krzywdy przeprosiny wystarczą, bo to po prostu za mało. Pozdrawiam.
    Not for any harm caused apology suffice, because it is simply not enough. Yours.

  21. Grace. I've heard the phrase, "we need some grace here." That seems to settle things down, with a bit of the big picture. Can I do an apology ahead of time, in case I don't know when I've offended? I'm sorry.
    Say, is there a follow-up photo from the hand and the lady-finger flowers?

  22. But in your country there is always a rainbow.
    Have a nice evening.

  23. Thank you for this lesson of and for thought very much.

    Please have you all a good Friday.

  24. Interesting quotes, sistah!
    I have a neighbour who was listening to rumours about my opinions. She is a farmer, and we frequent her store all the time. She was told I don't like farmers. It bothered me all night! I went back this afternoon and told her that she was misinformed and it had bothered me.
    Cheers from Cottage Country!

  25. Another beautiful post, Cloudia. You choose the perfect photos, too.

  26. The circuit of energy is electrifying!

    Namaste /\ from Mumbai

  27. Lovely shots. I do think that being able to say you're sorry is important and shows that you are a greater person than one who remains stuck in anger or pettiness.

  28. Beautiful photos and great post.Thank you.

  29. As always...great words of wisdom and FABULOUS photos!! xo

  30. Lieben Gruß und Sonne im Herzen...


  31. Wonderful photographs, admiring views of the sky is giving much joy. I am greeting

  32. The picture with the hand is brilliant. I love the sentiment.


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