Monday, November 19, 2012

Key Sharing

A   L   O   H   A  !
“If you're feeling helpless,

help someone. ”
 Aung San Suu Kyi

" The key to finding your passion
is to bring your passion
to everything 
you do. "

Maria Forlio

 ~  ><333>  ~

"You know me,"
my needy friend said, 
I'm all about 
helping OTHERs.
How Do I find
a job,
someone to pay me,
to do THAT?"

Carolyn Myss once said
that our tendancy
as modern people
is to seek our
life's purpose
through our

But how many of us
have a job like that?

I have found
that by living our passion,
love for others,
a caring heart,
a patience practice,
what we do for a living
becomes imbued
with that energy.

the towel we wash,
the patience we show
a stranger,
the paperwork we 
complete -
all that blesses
and ourselves
without a job title;
 When we are
living our truth

Enjoy Your Sweet DAY!
And Thank YOU
for all the good you do

             Fondly, cloudia    


  1. You are a true philosopher, Cloudia!
    Thanks for all the beautiful quotes and accompanying images.
    Greetings from Holland, Wil

  2. I'd take that sweet guy home. Oops, that's too much caring, okay. Passion for pay is becoming a rare combination these days, but we keep searching. DrumMajor

  3. Thanks to you for your thhoughts and good vibrations from your beautiful land! Greetings and have a nice week!

  4. Thank you for brighten up a moody, grey Monday!!!

  5. I loved my jobs. I miss my jobs. Can you imagine what is like to swing a 22 pound sledge hammer on a heated nut, hit it as hard as you can and then having to do it again because it still isn't tight enough? Passion via a sledge hammer I can't swing anymore. Let me look around some more there may be some other way I want to define myself by. I'll get back to you on that.

  6. Not many jobs that pay you to do those kinds of things, but there sure are a lot of opportunities for volunteerism. :)

  7. i would agree....if we are not lucky enough to work in a field of helping others...we can do it where we are...radical love can break out that first quote...

    aloha from va

  8. Wow!!sooo great!!!!
    i love your postings!!!❀✽.¸¸.•*`*
    Wish you a Magical Day Cloudia❀✽.¸¸.•*`*

  9. Do unto others and all that, I agree ...happy week Cloudia.

  10. It is in all those unseen moments, and the recalling of them, that lifts me up when I'm feeling blue- or lost- and I have to think it's just a rainy grey day that arrives because it must, urging us to carry on and create more of those unseen moments, like exotic little gems that make life so darn wonderful. Like stopping by and checking in with you Cloudia! Blessings for you- Karen

  11. The Bible says "don't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing" or perhaps it's the opposite but, do kind things anonymously. The reward is in knowing you've lightened someone else's burden.

  12. Ah, thank you for this, Cloudia! This was just what I needed today!

  13. I always love your words. I was so fortunate to have loved my work, and now I follow my passion in a different way. How can I not be grateful.

  14. Helping and caring - a great way to live each day. Thanks for the reminder.

  15. Such wise words to live by everyday - and wonderful thoughts for Thanksgiving! Hope it's a good Monday:)

  16. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving in warm, sunny Hawaii!

  17. Always fine advice on your page. Thanks for that. What is that beautiful, colourful image?

  18. oil & water make the nicest puddles!

    Thanks EACH of YOU - appreciate your visit

  19. Good things that you have written, and the pictures are precious.

  20. World Comfort - Thank you for offering such positiveness.

    Please have you all a good Tuesday.

  21. Brother Dutton in Kalaupapa said, "One's Molokai can be anywhere." That's so true, isn't it?

  22. came back to say congrats on your POTW!

  23. So true! Such a heart-warming post. And congrats on your POTW.

  24. such wisdom dear Cloudia... definitely a POTW offering my friend:-)


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