Monday, December 17, 2012

The Lure of Their Becoming

A   L   O   H   A  !
 " When the cloud
 is no longer in the sky,
 it hasn't died. - 

 " The cloud is continued
 in other forms
 like rain or snow 
or ice. -

" Our nature is the nature of 
no birth and no death.
 It is impossible for a cloud 
to pass from being into
 non-being. -

And that is true 
with a beloved person. 
They have not died. 
They have continued 
in many new forms 

and you can look deeply 
and recognize them 
in you 
and around you. "


Courtesy Oprah

   > <  }  }  ( ° >

' Take Peace & Smiles - Leave Your Comment '

Thanks for visiting!
                              Warmly, cloudia 


  1. And no-one has left us while they are still remembered. A thought I hug to myself on dark nights.

  2. I agree Cloudia, loved ones never leave us, but the pain at the beginning is unbearable..

  3. nice...i like the thought on the cloud and how it relates to us...and finding them in us...of course, i have thoroughly enjoyed his books so....

    aloha from va

  4. "to live in hearts we leave behind is not to die"

    I have done so much grief work with clients. In the midst of it it is difficult. Time heals.

  5. nice post:) inspiring!


  6. Really deep for a Monday morning... Love the tiger pictures.

  7. Oh yes, I believe we don't really die but simply change form : )

  8. By the way, thanks for the comments in my blog! Glad you managed to leave your comments now : )

  9. Hyvää Joulua sinulle Cloudia :)

  10. How true dear Cloudia. In death we are like the waves upon the ocean - meshing until you can't distinguish one from the other. Cheers!!

  11. Having lost three dear friends in as many weeks Cloudia, I find your blog today a great comfort.

  12. so appropriate for this tender time Cloudia... for all tender times.

    The tiger's nose is quite heart-like.

  13. I'm with you-- loved one are always with us.
    xo jj

  14. As long as we remember.. and we do.

  15. That is wonderful and so thoughtful!!!

    I love to be a part of Comfort Spiral!

  16. This is so interesting. When we were in Illinois, a very good friend of ours (anthropology professor at Northwestern) who actually was in a seminary in his younger days and converted to Buddhism recently gave us a book written by Thich-Nhat-Hanh.

    I really enjoyed your book, Aloha, Where You Like Go? Auntie Na is so Buddhist and so like every other religion's positive side. My daughter's name is also Nalani.

    I love Kimo. I'd like Kimo to keep my son company also and protect him too. I'm thinking you yourself have led a very colorful, wonderful life, Cloudia.

  17. Your dear comments here mean So much to me at a time like this. Thanks each of You

  18. A thought to hold onto! Lovely.

  19. Brilliant, inspiring quotes Cloudia, which I fully agree with! Thanks for sharing them!
    Duncan In Kuantan

  20. brilliant quotes!

    just what i needed, especially now.

    big, warm aloha!

  21. apparently you've been to the zoo. I haven't been there for a while.

  22. Aloha Cloudia! I hear your words as a sweet song today!- Karen


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