Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Glass Bottom Heart

A L O H A !

 " A beauty 
is a woman you notice;
 a charmer
 is one who 
notices you. "

Adlai E. Stevenson 

" The grass is not, in fact, 
always greener
 on the other side of the fence. 
Fences have nothing to do with it. 
The grass is greenest
 where it is watered. 
When crossing over fences, 
carry water with you 
and tend the grass
 wherever you may be. "

Robert Fulghum

" Only the lonely know
 the way I feel tonight. "

Roy Orbison 

> <  }  }  ( ° >

This blog
is a glass bottomed boat
on my heart.

Thank YOU
for coming on board!

Do keep your hands
inside the blog.

Watch your step.

Please come see us again.

' Take Peace & Smiles - Leave Your Comment '

Thanks for visiting!
                         Warmly, cloudia 


  1. I will always come back to visit your glass bottomed boat for the beauty and inspiration you so generously give us.

  2. Świetne zdjęcia, ale i ostatnie powiedzenie. Pozdrawiam.
    Great pictures, but the last say. Yours.

  3. Beautiful, Cloudia! Thanks for your visit!
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  4. Love the big 'O' , Roy Orbison I mean haha!

  5. Love the second picture and quote! Hope your glass-bottomed heart doesn't spring a leak!

  6. So, why is that guy tilting away from the girl? Don't rock da boat, baby, keep it afloat!

  7. Ah yes, I could listen to Roy all night long- why? Because I learned everything I need to know in Kindergarten! :) Enjoy your sunshine- (can you tell I miss ours)- Karen

  8. Just to let you know, Roy is playing (via youtube) you see music has the same effect on me as a yawn! Sing it Roy- Let's hope this doesn't result in a need to watch Pretty Woman too! Ha! Ha!

  9. Fun fun FUN!
    Thanks so very much, friends :-)

  10. and tell me dear Cloudia, how many readers have lost fingers dangling them outside the blog? too dangerous for even monkeys to try.

    I always gobble up what I find here. beauty, inspiration, love, art. what more is there?

  11. ohh lovely post Cloudia!!))

    wish you a happy happy day!!!!))

  12. Beautiful imagery, both through words and pictures! I do quite love that first quote, it should be in the dictionary under the definition of charm/charmer!:)

  13. "Do keep your hands inside this blog." I'm still smiling...............................................................................though my smile will carry me outside this blog for a while.
    Thanks, Cloudia for the ray of sunshine that you are.

  14. I am having fun catching up with your lovely photos and quotes. Wonderful. Off the the next one......

  15. Yes, there are many reasons why I prefer Glass and not Diamonds.

    Please have you all a good Wednesday.

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  19. I really love this one. So glad I got to go inside your blog. I need to go back and read these quotes again! =)

  20. Love your Hawaiian sky(line), and words of wisdom (and Roy is a favorite !).

    From the previous post - Buckminster Fuller quote can be paraphrased that 'every child is born with a vivid imagination but school destroys it with the drive for conformity'.

    Aloha, Cloudia.

  21. Beautiful photos! I love your blog!

  22. The grass is greenest
    where it is watered.

    love this...yup it's true...always we say the grass is greener at the other side but never thought of taking care of it

  23. Just discovered your pics and writings via Southwest Shards and Sandy. Love the quotes! parker from Shutterbugs.

  24. Love that 2nd pic! Stunner!

    Namaste /\ from Mumbai

  25. I'd better go fill up my bucket so I have enough to spread around. :-)


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