Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Change Your World

A  L  O  H  A !
"Never judge a book
 by its movie."

        J. W. Eagan

"Have you had a kindness shown?
 Pass it on; 
'Twas not given for thee alone,
 Pass it on; 
Let it travel down the years, 
Let it wipe another's tears,
 'Til in Heaven 
the deed appears - 
Pass it on. " 

Henry Burton

" Ask yourself: 
Have you been kind today? 
Make kindness 
your modus operandi 
and change your world. "

Annie Lennox 

Thank YOU
Kind Friend!

I thrill to your comments.

                       Fondly, cloudia


  1. To pay it forward is the best! It's not a new idea, is it?

  2. I never feel it appropriate to say whether I have been or not. All kindness is a gift given and once something is given it be best to forget that it was ever yours to give.

  3. This is my mantra :) Beautiful post!

  4. Oh thank you, Cloudia. I needed this interlude!

  5. busy busy bust at the office ... hopped over to say aloha and happy wednesday

  6. I like your post dear Cloudia. Kisses from Italy:))))

  7. Love the quote about books and movies. I also like the pictures and the quotes about being kind. You're on a roll today.

  8. My maxim Cloudia is that if you are kind then you usually get kindness in return.

  9. I definitely try not to judge a book by its movie!

  10. So true- my daughter always has to read the book first- because she knows she's often totally upset with the movie changes! I finally saw Life of Pi this last weekend, and it's very worth seeing on the big screen if you haven't already! May peace and kindness follow you everywhere, Karen

  11. I love this, being kind is one of the loveliest gifts you can receive and give!

  12. I love each of you. Thanks so much

  13. Amei a doçura da primeira foto!
    Paixão à primeira vista!

    ♡ "Que este nosso pequeno mundo virtual, nesta Páscoa,
    seja cada vez mais humano!"

    ♡ Feliz Páscoa!!!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. The book for me is always the first, and later a movie that is not always so, and as I imagined. Yours.

  16. I loved the Egan quote, but I'm still not likely to read "Gone with the Wind."

  17. To the not-joy of my wife, I usually say no to seeing a movie once I have read the book already.

    Great Lennox quote indeed ! Please have you all a good Thursday.

  18. This is great.

    Having grown up with an immediate family that didn't show much kindness, I have come to appreciate it wherever I find it.

  19. I took a photo of a license plate to use on a blog post that said, "BE KIND." I thought that was pretty cool. And you, Cloudia are one of the kindest people I know.

  20. Passing it on, and paying it forward are things I try very hard to do.
    Another warm and lovely post - thank you.

  21. Thanks lots:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

  22. omg, what a cute little guy!

    great reminders my friend!

    a warm aloha!!!!


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