Tuesday, April 23, 2013

An Angel in Waikiki

A  L  O  H  A -
Let's walk in Waikiki
First Lady of Waikiki, 

The Moana Hotel

Doors opened 1901.

Kalakaua Avenue

Every day, new people

 from all around the globe

 walk our streets. . . 

This excellent street artist 

will produce your caricature 

for tips!

OOOPs!  Sorry, Sir. 

( "What do you think this is? A Daryl?!" tm )

Then I saw her.  

She stood apart from the normal run. . . 

                           . . . somehow. . . . 

 I never saw her face. . . .

              Only felt the benediction. . . .

" Do not forget 
to entertain strangers,
 for by so doing 
some people have 
entertained angels 
without knowing it. "

Hebrews 13:2 


Thank YOU
 for being
an Angel
who visits,
who blesses,

Share your 
Heavenly Message
in comments

                                                                warmly, cloudia


  1. Hmm, is your "angel" in white, on the little brick road, needing her own angel? See if she reappears on another walk some morning. DrumMajor

  2. Great street photography Cloudia.

  3. She has gorgeous hair and VERY high heels a head turning combo.. 'Hot' street shots Cloudia :)

  4. I'm so jealous of the girls in bikinis! ;)

  5. You are having some fun today, Cloudia. Lovely!

  6. I sure enjoy how you entertain us. I'm thinking it would be exciting to stay at that hotel. Thank you too, for your nice comment yesterday, you made me blush! Enjoy your day.

  7. really cute look at folks all around you.

  8. You're an angel, Cloudia. Thank you for the blessing.

  9. I've always been afraid to have myself caricatured. :)

  10. Poor thing, she doesn’t exactly look comfortable, does she.

    And women in bikinis in the middle of a shopping centre is also not very tasteful.

  11. YOU are an angel. Thanks for this post.

  12. I agree Cloudia! You are an angel!! xo

  13. I do not have heavenly messages Cloudia, I do not get them but a lot of people in the US claim they have direct phone access to the heavens and try to influence others. For example the president of the US anti-gay National Organization for Marriage has gone to Paris to organize hateful protest against the law to legalize gay marriages and adoptions there. He was proud to finance French bigoted groups; however, the law was passed today. So, could we believe that the heavens have spoken? France is the 14th country, and the most populous, to pass this equality law.

  14. What wonderful news. Thanks everyone :-)

  15. Oh! I hope she did not fell to the ground !

  16. i always love your street photography.

    awesome shots!


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