Monday, April 29, 2013

Maybe You're NOT Done

A  L  O  H  A !

“ Nothing is impossible,
 the word itself says 
'I'm possible'! ” 

 Audrey Hepburn

What is going on with me?

I sort of wish I knew,

I sort of DO know,

I sort of DON'T care.

My Cathedral

Maybe it's the impending

( L O O M I N G ) 

"Big Birthday."

My Mom was (still is)

beautiful as a model,

Hair, Makeup, Clothes.

So I rebelled, by being

the girl in leather

riding a motorcycle

back before it was chic.

Mrs. Peel, Honey West 

and me, 

we invented it!

(At least for the late 20th Century,

and there were other acolytes,

of course.  Yeah, I'm talking to

YOU, Pat Benatar)

So here I am, a retired

"Young Wild Womyn"

Thinking I'm washed-up,

that my glow is gone.

When all of a sudden

I'm starved for color:

on my lips, nails,

and back (front too).

A few months ago,

I wore (essentially)

the same uniform


Cargo/carpenter shorts,

Chinatown T-Shirt 

to conceal

my shape.

Throw on a helmet,

jump on the scooter:

Cest Moi.

Now I wouldn't be caught

DEAD dressed like that!

And yes (thanks Gwyneth) 

you CAN wear a cute dress 

on a scooter.

This is a resort area.

Our visitors enjoy dressing up.

Now so do I - 

I don't know why.

But it's working

with my usual benevolent 

s m i l e

to make of my world

a happier, warmer place.

People seem glad

to see me (yes see).

I'm a frequent flyer

at Sephora,

and even got a 

salon cut (found a genius).

Daryl calls it "Beautifying"

I call it a lovely mystery.

I'm not as old as I thought.

Just ask the pleasant men &

women too,

that now seem to smile

at me daily.

What a world!



I love you too much for that.

Thanks for being a dear - 

          for visiting us here - cloudia


  1. 'Don't pre-age yourself'

    I so agree with you! I love getting dressed up.

  2. What a special post again!
    Have a great new week....
    suddenly very cold here,
    so I double enjoy the pix
    you posted :)

  3. I was this age forty years ago and still am not certain I have caught up to me yet.

  4. Oooooo! Super nail colour, my trademark colour is OPI Red, fab.. Now Cloudia, there is no way you could ever lose your 'glow' it's intrigued by the 'looming' birthday..believe me I've had one of those and it changes nothing, all will continue in your renewed frame of mind..I really think we should see a shot of this new you flying on your scooter oui!

  5. Ah yes, I think I am going back into my jeans and tee shirt stage. Oh well! Happy Monday Cloudia :)

  6. alohaa!!!thank you for a great post!
    and for the inspiration, my dearest!


  7. Feeling free to dress the way one feels. That's a bonus! Nicely Cloudia!


  8. Bingo!!

    Namaste /\ from Mumbai

  9. Your big birthday is looming? So.. what.. you're turning 30? ;)

  10. Lovely post! I like how you express.

  11. Oh - that Hepburn quote is brilliant.

  12. What fun to party here with each of you - my gems! :-)


  13. Love your message, darling!
    Good for you!


  14. Dear Cloudia -- Be however YOU want to be!
    For me, dress-up means I gotta put on a damn bra. After burnin' them in the '70s, some new article came out saying they weren't good for us.
    I'm pretty sure your glow isn't extinguishing because Honolulu doesn't have enough fire extinguishers to do that!
    Be careful scootering around in a skirt! Aloha, DrumMajor

  15. I like dressing up too- in fact yesterday I was a Super-Hero with a Bright Red Cape (Ha! ha!) Hey, like you said I'm Possible! I don't know how I ever missed that quote from her, I adore Audrey! (and Honey West)

  16. it's great to dressed up. I only do when I need to attend a dinner or so.

  17. Dressing up for me means earrings. And whatever is right for you, is RIGHT for you - and for us. Have a great week.


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