Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Song that Saved My Life

A L O H A ! 
    30. Bridge Over troubled water by Simon And Garfunkel on Grooveshark
"An education
 isn't how much 
you have committed 
to memory, 
or even how much 
you know. 
It's being able 
to differentiate 
between what you do know 
and what you don't."

       Anatole France

" The more I see
 the less I know 
for sure. "

John Lennon 

"Contagious conversations
the world."

Daniel Pink

 > < } } (°>

When I was a depressed youth,
Bridge Over Troubled Waters
with my aimlessness,

Listening to the song
made me feel better,
helped me to find
an artist's dignity
in my endurance.

If I could time travel
to advise
my younger self,
I would tell her
that it all
works out.
"Life is short,
enjoy it."

What would You
tell the child
You were?

' Take Peace & Smiles - Leave Your Comment '
Thanks for visiting!
                     Warmly, cloudia


  1. and hopefully realizing how much we dont know...humbles us just a bit...smiles.

    aloha from va

  2. I LOVE that song, too! (Are you sure we're not sisters?) I scored the song for my high school concert band, and the director did the percussion scoring. Totally cool. We'd like a similar band to play it again so we can record the arrangement. Glad you found a friend with the song. DrumMajor

  3. That song holds a special place in my memory too Cloudia. x

  4. I'm not sure that I'd change much if I could Cloudia, my child self was pretty happy :) Loooooved John Lennon :(

  5. I'd probably tell him to write more when he was young and had the energy.

  6. I would tell the child I was that everything usually works out right in the end.

  7. That song was and is still one of my favorites. What would I tell my younger self? Stop worrying, it all works out in the long run.

    Always love dropping in here,
    An English Girl Rambles

  8. Aloha Cloudia, much wisdom in your quotes and your own words. I would say the same as you did, but also, I'd say enjoy and work with what you have, instead of searching for more. Peace, and many new conversations with strangers (how fun is that) enjoy your day, Karen

  9. Aloha Clodia,

    The thoughts you post daily are inspirational. And I love that Simon and Garfunkle song!

  10. Each of you gives such aloha. Wow!

    Humble thanks

  11. I would tell my child self to not take things so serious. I still have trouble with that though at times. I think I would have had less trouble with depression if I would have learned more about loosening up as a child. (I was a child with a lot of responsibilities at a very young age). Not an abusive home by no means, just wanted to make that clear. Just a lot of kids and was oldest girl.

  12. The lyrics to that song are indeed beautiful and go so well with the melody. How wonderful that both the words and tune spoke to you...and helped you!

  13. Brilliant pictures, and, John Lennon, he was a genius.

  14. I would tell her to hang on...80s music is coming! ;-)

  15. That Lennon quote is so, so true. I loved Simon and Garfunkel, very comforting music throughout confusing college years (and pre-college and post :)

  16. I would tell her that she'll be happy, that she'll meet wonderful people, go to fascinating places and take revealing journeys within that nourish her constantly. I'd tell her that she'll be blogging, reading inspirational words and seeing creativity as it unfolds - in blogs like yours.

  17. I love that song; and for me, too, it fulfilled a need in my youth. I would tell my younger self, the aim of life is to survive. Just being alive is success!

  18. I would tell the child I was that it does get better. Much.
    And Bridge Over spoke loudly to me too.

  19. Do you remember the lyrics in King and I?
    "There are times I almost think
    I am not sure of what I absolutely know.."

    John Lennon's quote reminded me of that song.

    I would tell that younger me exactly what you would say. I'd tell her to be optimistic because one day you will meet someone who will help you be happy. I will also tell her that life will be full of ups and downs, but there will be lots more ups. I wouldn't tell her not to do certain things because each mistake was a learning process. This was such a meaningful post, Cloudia.

  20. I love to come and read the quotes and look at your beautiful photos.
    I love the song.
    Aloha Cloudia !


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