Saturday, June 22, 2013

Yesterday's Earth Quake

A  L  O  H  A !

I felt it. 
"That's an earthquake" says I,
playing with a certain kitty 
on the floor 
of my 35th floor apartment
 here in Waikiki 

I felt it.

From the 5.5 

that shook my Kona coffee shack

 in the winter of '88

(that was a dance!)

to the one a few years ago

that was strong enough

 to feel 

on our cement/steel boat (!)

and to cut the electricity 

here on Oahu 

all one Sunday,

I am an old hand 

at Hawaii earthquakes.

Friday, June 21, 2013,

  at 12:04 a.m. local time,


was noted by authorities.

Preliminary magnitude call was  4.0, 
but it was later scored a 4.5 by the USGS.
The epicenter (USGS) as follows:
 52 mi ENE of Kāneʻohe, which is

35 floors down,
13 miles, and 30 minutes drive
 from here

over the Ko`olau Mountains

via Pali Highway, 

52 mile boat ride,
then deep in the sea.

I felt it :)

Lights are on, 
air is conditioned, 
food is cooking;

wishing YOU the same :)
 > < } } (°>
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                        Warmly, cloudia


  1. How very scary. Echoing Indrani - stay safe. Please.

  2. Stay safe when events like that occur.

  3. whew...have felt a few in my will def set you on edge when your foundation is moving...stay safe

    aloha from va

  4. 35th floor! Jeepers, you went from sea level to Heaven's door! I'd read about recent quakes around Big Island. Don't know that I'd want to feel it though. At least you can usually see tornados. DrumMajor

  5. Wow, so glad it was not too bad for you.
    I pray every night that Jerusalem will pass the night without an earthquake.
    Did Kitty react to it?

  6. I would gladly welcome a tectonic quake over the earth shattering epicenter of dire called Detroit.

  7. i'm not sure i'd handle those well! glad all is good with you, though!

  8. Never felt an earthquake and I'm good with that.

  9. Love the way you take it all in your stride over there Cloudia.

  10. Oh my, thank goodness all is well for you. I have never experienced an earthquake either! Peace and safe travels for you, Karen

  11. Just read your post. Hope all izz well. Please Take care.

  12. I felt one once in Puerto Rico. It was scary to feel the bed moving with me in it. it's amazing the sensitivity you've developed that you can feel one so far away. You're connected to Mother Earth. That's nice, but hope you never feel one too close. Be safe and happy.

  13. I hadn't heard, apparently I have had my head in the sand these last two days. Glad you are okay and the rest of Hawaii.

    Wishing you a happy shake-free day,
    Today’s Flowers
    An English Girl Rambles

  14. Shake your booty!

    It was so subtle, I doubt too many people noticed it. That's what I'm crowing about my extreme sensitivity. That earlier one was strong enough to trip off the power generators.
    I love you guys.

    Thanks very much

  15. Oh no! Hope there was no damage. Your home looks wonderful. Well deserved, Cloudia.

  16. I bet that you were scared, being 35 floors up.

  17. Glad you're safe. Did the building sway a lot on the 35th floor? That was what I hated about high-rises in Taiwan... they danced to the tremors of the earthquakes.

  18. I'm glad nothing bad happened.

  19. Eeek so scary!
    Hope everyone is okay.


    P.S. My fave nail polishes are by Essie (save) and Butter London (splurge).

  20. an earthquake..hope everything is fine

  21. So glad that you and the other are safe!

    I was once in a big earthquake in Fiji - and boy was I terrified.

  22. Thanks, dears.

    And thanks CC for the amazing nail polish recommendations!!

  23. I don't think I could ever get used to it Cloudia!

  24. I'm glad all is okay with you. There have been floods, earthquakes and all sort of things happening recently.


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