Wednesday, July 10, 2013

New Friend

A  L  O  H  A !
Dinah Washington by What A Difference A Day Makes on Grooveshark
What a difference a day makes

I made a new friend today.

" Nothing but heaven itself
 is better
 than a friend 
who is really a friend."


Break Time for the Tree Trimmers

" Old friends pass away, 
new friends appear. 
It is just like the days. 
An old day passes, 
a new day arrives. 
The important thing 
is to make it meaningful: 
a meaningful friend - 
or a meaningful day. "

Dalai Lama 

" A true friend 
is someone who lets you 
have total freedom
 to be yourself - 
and especially to feel. 
Or, not feel. 

Whatever you happen
to be feeling
 at the moment 
is fine with them. 
That's what real love 
amounts to - 
letting a person 


what she really

 is. "

Jim Morrison 

Football with Dad at the foot of Diamond Head. 
Honolulu Zoo Entrance

" Outside of a dog, 
a book is a man's best friend. 
Inside of a dog 
it's too dark to read. "

Groucho Marx

" Silence 

is a true friend

who never betrays. "




my blog friends

are true friends.

I wish YOU

new discoveries

new delights


                                        Fondly, cloudia


  1. Amazing skies; mahalo for friending us through your town. DrumMajor

  2. Aloha Cloudia, I'm so happy we're friends!

  3. By those definitions, Lana and I are true friends and that is very special.

  4. its interesting in that one quote to think what makes a friend meaningful...i can say the same though...i've made some pretty good friends online---even ones i have yet to meet.

    aloha from va

  5. Making new friends is one of life's pleasures..enjoy. Lovely post Cloudia, the fiery sky is fabulous and the little girl adorable :)

  6. You made a new friend? That's wonderful. There's no better riches than to have true friends. I know you are super wealthy.

  7. I laughed pretty hard at the marx quote

  8. The Jim Morrison quote is very profound!

  9. And thank you for being such a kind and loving friend, Cloudia.

  10. blessings to you dear Claudia:-)

  11. I just LOVE this song, and the singer. Superb post Cloudia.


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