Sunday, August 4, 2013

Island Style Ka Iwi Coastline

A  L  O  H  A !
Island Style by John Cruz on Grooveshark   
                                 Click these photos to enlarge :)
Koko Head Crater

The People of Hawaii 

have fought to preserve

 the Ka Iwi Coastline

of East Oahu.

Feels like driving
the edge of eternity.

Magnificent churning waters, foaming, leaping!
Coves, crevices, a fountaining Blow Hole.
President Obama came here as a boy.
Kamehameha the Great
landed his war canoes here
on his conquest of Oahu.

Ka Iwi means: "The Bones"
You can commune with the bones
of the island itself,
and perhaps discover
your own spine,
or even if you
possess one.

It is a vast space
that also feels intimate
and eternal
while very much
in the moment.

 from all over the world 
stop to admire
 Ka Iwi

Click pic to see neighbor islands
On a clear day, 
you can see the isle of Moloka`i,
and sometimes even Lanai
as above.
Voyagers in sailing canoes
inhabited these islands.

It is a place
 for solitude,
for friends.
Humans are dwarfed,
as in Asian art.

" Here shall be

 eternal summer

 in the grateful heart. "

Celia Thaxter

Koko Head - other side

Today you are in a special club:
you have seen Ka Iwi!
Thanks for visiting today!
                                      Warmly, cloudia


  1. Beautiful photos and post.
    Have a nice Sunday

  2. Ka Iwi is so beautiful! I'm glad that the Hawaiians are preserving the natural beauty of it!

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. commune with the bones of the island and maybe discover if you have a back bone...smiles...very beautiful

    aloha from va

  4. that second shot is FABULOUS! just wonderful!

  5. From the mountains to the sea, I do hope to see up close someday! Thanks so much for sharing the video too!

  6. What a place to settle, it's wonderful.

  7. Thanks for these nice pictures....wish i could be there for a while.

    Greetings from Holland, Joop

  8. The more I see of your beautiful coastline it reminds me of ours also Cloudia...we have the same need to protect and preseve.

  9. Would indeed be a beautiful place to ride a motorcycle.

  10. I hope I get to see Ka Iwi someday. But if I don't at least i saw it here. Thanks Claoudia.

  11. You live in paradise Cloudia! Wow, such fab photos. And I loved that woman's top in the last one, the color was amazing.

    Happy Week, G

  12. You have captured Oahu coastline beautifully.

  13. Nice view! Just got back from Kauai, it seems to me Oahu has more places to see.

  14. We always pass by there when we decide to do our 'round da island drives every once in a blue moon. It is beautiful and so far away.

  15. It's not at all difficult to see why people fall in love with this place. Lovely, Cloudia.

  16. Thanks for sharing with us this beautiful place.Nice video and pictures. Kisses from Italy

  17. I love a wild and sunny coastline and this one is a beauty.

  18. Ah, now to see it in person. Wonderful shots - awe-inspiring place.

    Aloha, Cloudia !


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