Friday, August 9, 2013

Other People

A  L  O  H  A !
 " Knowing 

your own darkness

 is the best method

 for dealing with

 the darknesses of 

other people.”

 Carl Gustav Jung 

“You can make more friends
 in two months
 by becoming more interested
 in other people 
than you can
 in two years 
by trying to get 
people interested in 

 Dale Carnegie

“ The easiest thing to be in the world
 is you. 
The most difficult thing to be 
is what other people 
want you to be.
 Don't let them 
put you in that position.”

 Leo F. Buscaglia 

“ We must not allow 
other people's limited perceptions 
to define us ”

 Virginia Satir 

" Other People"

is a story we tell

to ourselves -

 - Too often

we "shoehorn" others

into the roles

that we have 

chosen for them.

My wish for you, Friend,
is for YOUr uniqueness
to flourish!
Thanks for your
comments :)


  1. that first one is really interesting...and there is truth in it...understanding my own def helped me to appreciate it in others...smiles

    aloha from va

  2. The Dale Carnegie quote is great. A practical guide to making friends that any one can gather! Nice pics again Cloudia!


  3. I am tired of being unique, I want to be a billionaire. hhahahahahahahahaahahahaha

  4. Thank you for the pictures and thoughts, Cloudia!

  5. For that "interested" quote, it does seem people are infinitely interested in themselves.

  6. Dale Carnegie really knew what he was talking about oui ! You have some very lovely images here Cloudia. Happy weekend mon amie :)

  7. What are the birdies eating? And the sun is pretending to be a misty moon? Or is it? Hmmmm. DrumMajor

  8. Beautiful - and wise. Thank you. And other people are MUCH more interesting...

  9. That sunset shot is incredible!
    And happy Friday from Seattle!

  10. The sun looks deep pink and beautiful, great shots and quotes.

  11. Don't forget "Hell is other people". ;-)

  12. Lovely post, Cloudia. It's wonderful to treasure all the unique aspects of everyone's personality.

  13. Spot on...every single one if these quotes.


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