Monday, September 23, 2013

Met an Old Man Walking

A  L  O  H  A !

I met an old man walking
here in Waikiki
he had just played several
games of tennis;
He told me that
he was over
 90 years.

He told me
that most of his friends
succumbed to beliefs,
conventional ones
about aging.

"One's 70's are the key.
Most people really freak out;
They believe all that stuff
and they follow the plan
down hill.

But if you keep moving
and get past those age 70+ 
it gets better and better."

Thanks, I said.

"Just keep moving - that's all,"

Says he.

And so I do.

How about

Y O U ?

' Take Peace & Smiles - Leave Your Comment '
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                           Warmly, cloudia


  1. "Keep moving" is an apt perscription for any age.

  2. inspiring....time to take a turn around the block!!

  3. Follow the plan down hill. I think for me so far as I've aged, it's following the pain down hill.

  4. Excellent outlook and advice! I plan to keep moving.

  5. Getting past 70 huh? Well, I sure hope he's right. I'll keep moving.

  6. that is pretty cool...and inspiring as well...i think our mentality def plays a big part in how we age....

    aloha from va

  7. Yeah, I have a neighbor, she is in her 80's and still travels.

  8. Aloha cara Cloudia! I like colors of your post.
    Ciao dall'Italia

  9. "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." as Dory said in "Finding Nemo." DrumMajor

  10. Oh absolutely that is all we can do, just keep moving. I just got back from a family road trip back to Michigan where we attended my great aunt's tribute to her life, she was days short of turning 100 years old! I can bet she's stilling smiling down on all of us!

  11. The way I feel today after a busy week end Cloudia, even the thought of a game of tennis exhausts me!

  12. A lot of people give up on themselves too young. It's true.

  13. What a wonderful philosophy - and a glorious rainbow. Thank you.

  14. Never give up moving; it's giving up on yourself.

  15. We lost a Meals on Wheels client last month. He was 90-something and loved horseback riding!!!!
    A great post.
    Cheers from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  16. Wise words indeed!

    Glorious captures!

    Namaste /\ from Mumbai

  17. I wonder if I'll make it to 70, though if I do I might soar past it.

  18. Goodness, your photos are purely stunning. So very beautiful. I am grateful to you for gracing my day with the wisdom of this gentleman. Thank you.

  19. Thanks for sharing the message... Keep moving.

  20. Geez, if i make it to my 70's, we'll see!

  21. He really is a wise man! Lovely shots.


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