Tuesday, November 19, 2013

He Touched Me

A  L  O  H  A !
Danny Boy by James Galway & The Chieftains on Grooveshark

Cloud Dervish

" The universe is dynamic. 
When we are creative, 
we are the most alive 
and in touch with it."

Brad Dourif 

Sir James Galway

“ It is always pleasant
 to be urged to do something
 on the ground 
that one can do it well. ”

 George Santayana

" The secret of genius 
is to carry the spirit 
of the child 
into old age. . .
never losing 
your enthusiasm. "

Aldous Huxley 

     > <  }  }  ( ° >

Going into a crowd
is not my habit.

But Sir James Galway
played in Honolulu on Sunday
so with my tall friend John
at my side, I braved
the Blaisdel Concert Hall.

Have I mentioned
that I have played flutes
of every sort
my whole life?
(when medically possible)

How could I pass this up?

His tone was instructive,
not a particle of air,
nor the tiniest vibration
out of place.


He made that gold flute
sound like wood.

He also played
a penny whistle!

"I'm one of those amateurs,"
I said to himself afterwards,
"and I will be hearing your tone 
in my head for quite some time.
If you wouldn't mind-
would you touch my hand
with yours?"

He placed his atop mine,
I put my other atop his.
I think he closed his eyes.

An Angel Passed.

And so the 
Laying of of Hands
to inform my playing;
If not technically
then in my

Who would YOU
like to meet?

' Take Peace & Smiles - Leave Your Comment '
Thanks for visiting!
                                 Warmly, cloudia


  1. nice....spent the weekend around artists, immersing myself in their work...and just talking art...most no one would know, but i enjoyed living in their creativity for a bit...smiles.

    aloha from va

  2. Artistic expression enriches our world. Such a joy to play the flute!

  3. Seriously cool to meet one who does something you admire.

    Actually I would like to meet the spirit of uncertainty and beat the shit out of that bastard.

  4. How fab Cloudia, both the concert and the 'personal touch' after.. An experience like this can only be inspirational oui!

  5. what a wonderful experience for you.

  6. I think most of the folks I'd like to meet have passed on.

  7. What a nice experience. A blessing from an artist must have felt grand. Didn't know you played the flute.
    That first pic is amazing.

  8. How cool is that? I didn't know you play the flute, I'm seriously impressed. x

  9. Flute playing is a great talent or skill to have.

  10. Wow, that has to have been an evening that will linger long in your thoughts. I wish that I could meet face to face with an uncle and one cousin (his daughter) that I have yet to meet!

  11. How lovely, Cloudia. A charming post today with real heart as its foundation.

  12. Oh my. Such a privilege - for you both.

  13. What a thrill to hear him play; your photo caught bright angels dancing between his heart and his flute. DrumMajor

  14. I've heard his music before. Haunting, to say the least.

  15. Oh, beautiful. Your story, his playing (yes, he does make that gold flute sound like wood), the laying on of hands, so to speak. I heard Rampal once, in college, and thought I'd gone to heaven. Heaven came to you, here.
    Thank you for sharing (i miss my flute).

  16. You should put a video link to you playing the flute. We all want to hear you. :)

  17. Aloha Cloudia!

    Such beautiful skies and quotes!



  18. The Sound cloud clip IS of me playing Danny Boy ♥. Thanks, Dears

  19. I didn't know he was playing here. I have heard recordings of his music and loved his Danny Boy.


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