Thursday, November 14, 2013

Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams

- And dream your troubles away
  Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams by Frank Sinatra on Grooveshark
A L O H A !
" If you look around, 
you can find a face of God
 in each thing, because 
He is not hidden
 in a church, in a mosque,
 or a synagogue, 
but everywhere. . .
Who finds Him, 
stays forever with him. "

 Shams Tabrizi

Hawaii State Library LINK
Opened February 1, 1913,Territory of Hawaii

A "Carnegie Library"

In 1841, 
life expectancy at birth 
was 40 years for males 
and 42 years for females.

By 1900 it was 
52 and 57.

Today it is 79 and 83. 

So many things change with time.

"Starting today, 
starting now,
those who have been 
will be visible to themselves 
and to others. "

Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie
Upon signing Marriage Equality in our Island State, yesterday
13 November 2013

Now that I am not at the legislature every day
I hope to visit EACH of YOU!

' Take Peace & Smiles - Leave Your Comment '
Thanks for visiting!
                 Warmly, cloudia


  1. " If you look around,
    you can find a face of God
    in each thing, because
    He is not hidden
    in a church, in a mosque,
    or a synagogue,
    but everywhere. . .
    Who finds Him,
    stays forever with him. "

    Shams Tabrizi

    I love this quote because it is exactly what I think!

  2. What an encouraging group of messages you have here! Thanks!

  3. Wrap your troubles in dreams - I love that. Thank you for the inspiration today. Go Hawaii!

  4. Indeed beautiful quotes, very inspiring!

  5. i love that first quote and totally agree with it. :)

  6. Especially when wandering our beautiful earth, oh yes indeed. Absolutely spirit lifting quotes today. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.

  7. Hurray for marriage equality!

  8. You each bring such joy here! Am deeply grateful. You make my day! ♥

  9. Love those quotes, Cloudia. I do think some people forget who God really is and where you can find him. I think I heard somewhere that because of junk food life expectancy was now going down. And yes! I was so happy about the gay marriage bill. In fact I was getting my hair cut by a wonderful, gorgeous, gay fellow yesterday and it was great to celebrate with him.

  10. The celebration is wonderful news! Party for a long time, not just one day.
    Yes, many places in Hawaii are better than any church service: the warm perfumed air from all of the naturally growing flowers, and sunrise above the cloud-line at Haleakala, and looking up from a beach surrounded by the cathedral walls of the rising mountains. Aloha, DrumMajor

  11. i love that quote
    the face of god is every where

    lovely celebration to one and all

  12. beautiful quote and photos



  13. Embrace your dreams - and make them real.

  14. I love the first quote. It's so true. You don't need to go to a church/temple to find the presence of God. He is all around us :)

  15. Cool pictures and quotes. I think it is great that you spent so much time at the legislature.

  16. This is a wonderfully inspiring post. Thanks!

  17. Awe inspiring images and quotes!

    Namaste /\ from Mumbai

  18. You both are such welcome gentlemen!
    Thank you kindly!


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