Thursday, December 12, 2013

F A M I L Y !

A  L  O  H  A 
" It takes a moment
 to tell someone 
you love them,
 but it takes a lifetime
 to prove it "

 Erich Fromm

" Every large family
 has its angels
 and its demon. "

 Joseph Roux 

“ If a man's character
 is to be abused,
 say what you will, 
there's nobody like 
a relative
 to do the business. ” 

William Makepeace Thackeray

" If you cannot
 get rid of the
 family skeleton, 
you may as well 
make it dance. "

George Bernard Shaw

" Happy families 
are all alike;
 every unhappy family
 is unhappy 
in its own way. "

Leo Tolstoy

" If we would just
 support each other -
- that's ninety percent 
of the problem  "

Edward Gardner

" Insanity 
runs in my family.
 It practically 
gallops. "

Cary Grant

" Others have their family; 
but to a solitary
 and an exile 
his friends 
are everything. "

Warren G. Harding 


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                                  Warmly, cloudia


  1. "It takes a moment to tell someone you love them, but it takes a lifetime to prove it". So true.

  2. I like the 1st. It's true! It's not easy to convince as it takes good deeds to prove it with! And great pics as usual! Nicely Cloudia!


  3. ha. dancing with the family skeleton....true....some good thought joggers today...

    aloha from va

  4. Every large family
    has its angels
    and its demon

    I totally agree with that!

  5. My family skeletons have been dancing a long time! Love the green mountain "skyscrapers" from the street view. Never seen a green hibiscus. Is that the name of a drink?

  6. I like very much your quotes. A big hug from Italy. Ciao Cloudia!!!

  7. That first quote is so, so true. Love it.

    Greetings from London.

  8. Ha! ha! the William Thackeray quote is so true.. I can always rely on my older sister to ell me how it is :))))

  9. Unlike Cary Grant, my family is quite sane. Except for me. I got it all.

  10. Trust George Bernard Shaw to say something like that Cloudia.

  11. Your top photo is especially gorgeous and the quotes are well worth remembering!

  12. AH a family, they are a funny bunch.

  13. Another fine collection of words and images.

  14. Oh my the bells of truth are ringing here! Absolutely. What extreme beauty you'ved shared as well!

  15. Hmmm... a dancing skeleton.

    I also like the lifetime to prove your love.


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