Sunday, January 19, 2014

January Moon Honolulu Harbor

A  L  O  H  A !
" If people sat outside

 and looked at the stars

 each night,

I'll bet they'd live

 a lot differently. "

Bill Watterson 

" Strange things
 blow in through my window
 on the wings
 of the night wind
 and I don't worry 
about my destiny. "

Carl Sandburg 

 “ We have the capacity 
to receive messages
 from the stars
 and the songs
 of the night winds. "

Ruth St. Denis 

I want to think again
 of dangerous 
and noble things. -
I want to be light 
and frolicsome. 
I want to be 
and beautiful -

- and afraid of nothing 
as though I had wings.”

 Mary Oliver 

I like the lady with the blue parasol behind him

" Don't laugh at youth
 for his affectations; 
he is only trying on 
one face after another
 to find his own.  "

Logan Pearsall Smith

' Take Peace & Smiles - Leave Your Comment '
Thanks for visiting!
                      Warmly, cloudia


  1. dangerous and noble....would not mind that myself...smiles...

    aloha from va

  2. Beautiful moon shots! Are you getting up even earlier these days and hanging out on the roof?

  3. Beautiful moon. gracias por compartir tan bellos paisajes y pensamientos. ¡Qué pases un buen domingo!

  4. City-dwellers can't see the wealth of stars at night due to light pollution, among other pollutions.

    Bill Watterson enriched a lot of peoples' days with his gentle humor.

  5. I could get into listening to stars, but I'll leave the little 'green men' to others. hahahaha

  6. *flutters my wings*

    Eatcher heart out, Mary!

  7. You should always take time to view the stars.

  8. great quote from carl sandburg

  9. Night winds always bring the feel of far places, strange otherworldly climes.

  10. Dreamy quotes, and with a sunny day like ours right this moment, I must close this laptop and see what voices I can uncover from outside my door. See you here later, Cloudia. Enjoy your day and gifts that are just in our reach, when we venture out to catch them! Can you tell it feels like spring here today?

  11. my fav is the picture with the blue and pink sky. The lady with the parasol is cool too.
    Hope you're having a good Sunday.

  12. Podoba mi się cytat Bill Watterson , a zdjecia z widokiem na morze. Pozdrawiam.
    I like the quote Bill Watterson, a photograph of a view of the sea. Yours.

  13. LOVE the Bill Watterson quote - and that blue parasol.

  14. I wish I could see the stars........too much cloud!!

  15. I love that blue parasol too. And the Sandburg and Oliver quotes; it would be nice to be noble, perhaps, once…thank you.

  16. I sit outside a lot in the day but the mozzies drive me crazy at night.

  17. Each of YOU brings me such jolly feelings-


  18. I do love your photos, your messages and your skies!
    We have blowing snow, drifting snow, and it's so cold!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  19. Gorgeous photos, Cloudia! My favorite time of my day is when I take Charlie out for her last walk of the night. Feels like we own the world for a little while. :)

  20. The skies in that photo above Oliver's quote looks so much like a Hiroshige woodblock print I once saw.

  21. Wonderful photos, lovely lights at night!


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