Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Celebrate Irritate

A    L    O    H    A  !
Story of the Big Town, Big Sky

"Who are my greatest
spiritual teachers?
Those who have
hurt me the most. "

Shirley Maclaine

But full of little stories: 
the last little house 
on a street in Waikiki

Glimpse of RED

Entire crimson head

“. . . your enemies are 
your best spiritual teachers 
their presence provides 
you with the opportunity 
to enhance and develop 
tolerance, patience 
and understanding.  ” 

 Dalai Lama

 you start to notice
something that 
You Do

 -have often done-

But now 
you don't like it,
not proud of it --

Celebrate that regret!

It means that You
are growing.

This beats the hell
out of perfecting the
of why you are 
and all beyond your 
own control, 

I prefer scenario #1
owning the jerk I am,
embracing the 
I am Becoming.

Perfection stifles
comparisons mere trifles
be ever Mindful;
with Revival.

Your Friendly Jerk,


  1. Never give into complacency.

    Your thoughts today give a different way of looking at things.

    But in my opinion, you are jerkfree!

    Aloha and enjoy the beauty and gift of each day.

  2. its a revolutionary thought to celebrate your regret...sadly pain is all too good a teacher....

    aloha from va

  3. Perfect timing. I am now wading back into the ocean of regret & hoping a big wave does not knock me over. Will carry the Dalai Lama's quote and your message with me, oh completely jerkless one. Love the splashes of red, too. We need more color around here. Thank you.

  4. Sometimes it seems that the world educates one to become more of a jerk just to survive.

  5. A jerk you are not. There is too much love in your heart. And beauty.

  6. Amigos são para sempre, mesmo que o para sempre não exista!
    Pois o destino nos fez amigos mas o coração
    nos tornou todos irmãos.
    No momento em que nos conhecemos laços de amizade fizemos
    por isso nunca tem como esquecer.
    A amizade verdadeira não fica na saudade ,
    mais gravada em nossos corações.
    Estou com muitas saudade beijos no coração.

  7. What IS that bird with the beautiful red head?

  8. I could never think of you as other than a really nice person my friend. We all have grown I think, and improved upon and moved on when neccessary :)

  9. Ah yes, there are those regrets to now celebrate! :)

  10. BTW you are my favorite kind of jerk!


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