Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Dreams and Daylight

A   L   O   H   A  !
“ Friendship flourishes 
at the fountain of

 William Arthur Ward 

" The things of the night
cannot be explained
in the day. "

Ernest Hemingway

Gallery shot from street

“ If a wife or husband 
seems to be unusually
 grouchy on a given evening… 
a spouse will pop down 
to the corner drugstore, 
buy some 
anti-grouch pills, 
and slip them
 into the coffee. ”

TIME Magaizne, 1966

 "Predictions for the Year 2000"

" You will recognize your own path
 when you come upon it, 
because you will suddenly 
have all the energy 
and imagination 
you will ever need. "

Jerry Gillies   

Fire Parade Past a Green Lawn

" 'Taint't worthwhile
 to wear a day
 all out 
before it comes. "

Sarah Orne Jewett


Thanks for YOUr Visit!
Come party in Comments
                  Warmly, Cloudia


  1. Fabulous post!
    Love that first quote.


  2. The things of night...Old Ernest was too much in the sun and rum.

  3. loved the gallery shot! very cool!

    and laughed at the grouch pills.

  4. I'd wonder what was in the anti-grouch pill if I dreamed of such a bizarre bird critter! DrumMajor

  5. I'd wonder what was in the anti-grouch pill if I dreamed of such a bizarre bird critter! DrumMajor

  6. Hi Claudia,
    Beautiful pictures, the first one is my favorite.
    Greetings Irma

  7. I'm falling about laughing at the anti grouch pill!

  8. The gallery shot is awesome. Thank you.
    And some mornings I would benefit from a grouch pill - or two.

  9. Beautiful shots Cloudia.
    Galery shot very coolio.
    Love the quotes as always :))

  10. Nice post, Cloudia !
    Beautiful pictures and quotes
    Me too I love the first one.
    Aloha !

  11. Aloha Cloudia, I rather like (and wonder) about Time magazine's idea!On our news the other night they mention, before having an argument with your spouse go to the kitchen and eat something! Imagine the results after a great number of visits!

  12. I love that gallery shot of the ostrich.

  13. SO happy to read these! Thanks each of you

  14. Breakdown v/s breakthrough! Brilliant.


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