Friday, August 8, 2014

Child's Play

A L O H A !
" If the universe is 
bigger and stranger
 than I can imagine, 
it's best to meet it 
with an 
empty bladder. "
                                John Scalzi

“A lone walker 
is both present
 and detached,
 more than an audience 
but less than 
a participant. ” 
                        Rebecca Solnit, 
                                                Wanderlust: A History of Walking

“When I look down,
 I miss all
the good stuff. . .
                          Ani Difranco

Every so often, 
I like to go to the window,
 look up, and smile 
for a 
satellite picture.”  
                                 Stephen Wright

" Man is most nearly
when he achieves 
the seriousness 
of a child at 
play. "


Don't YOU love
how we 

             Thanks! cloudia


  1. Great advice on not looking down too much. And why it's desirable to have an empty bladder.

    Angel :-)

    I hope you have no problems with the hurricanes!

  2. Isn't that cute!
    How have you been with the hurricanes? I was thinking about you. Such weather we've had.
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  3. Now is this a pre-posted post? Are you in the throes of the hurricane ? So many questions :) big hugs for Pixie!

  4. love the first shot. love stephen wright. :)

  5. Play is such an important part of living. Cool post. Hope you're ok.

  6. I love the first quote and the pictures of the very serious little boy playing.

  7. Lol ☺😸

    Iselle is passing chastened by our mountains. Hurricane Julio looks to pass north of isles. So far we are in great shape.


  8. Cute Cloudia!and the quotes too :)Wish you a splendid weekend with no hurricans!Greetings sunny Norway:)

  9. Hope the hurricanes continue to treat you kindly.
    This solitary walker likes an empty bladder - and believes she is a participant.

  10. Stephen Wright's musings always are hilarious!

  11. funny I think that's darth maul's lightsaber

  12. ah but when you look down, you catch what you miss when you are always moving forward....smiles

    aloha from va


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