Monday, August 18, 2014

Happy Wise

A L O H A !

" The longer we dwell 
on our misfortunes
 the greater their power
 to harm us. " 

"  For every minute 
you are angry 
you lose sixty seconds
 of happiness. "
                            Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Be happy.
 It's one way 
of being wise." 

" Every word, facial expression, 
gesture, or action
 on the part of a parent 
gives the child some message 
about self-worth. 
It is sad that so many 
parents don't realize 
what messages they are sending. "
Virginia Satir


Thank YOU
                   Warmly, cloudia


  1. After my posting today, I must tale Voltaire's words to mind. Cleansing is good.

  2. Love the hibiscus shot and quote.

  3. Beloved ship, Kilauea
    Sea-roving steed that roams this ocean
    Hauling back and forth, then the voyage home

    Now Kilauea's prow heads into the wind
    Smoke breaks from stack, ripples over the sea,
    Paddle-wheel slowly revolves and
    Passes Kala`au Point

    Moloka`i up ahead
    Lahaina yonder, awaiting freight
    The Kilauea unloads cargo
    At Pala`au
    Heave-ho and shove down below

    Like a flock of seabirds upon a waste of sand
    A hungry horde races along this shore
    Were it not for
    Chief Kamehameha
    The sheep would have no supplies or life
    The shepherd, wise in matters of life
    Kama`ipu`upa`a, the life-bringing kahuna

    Now let his famished flock feed on
    Olive leaves given with a King's love
    This is the end of my song
    In praise of Chief Kamehameha

  4. Aloha Cloudia, You always have a way of making me smile! Such lovely captures too.

  5. Always nice to be here. Love that first quote.
    Have a great day.

  6. Thanks VERY much each of YOU for being such true friends!

  7. How true it is. And dwelling on misfortunes takes sooooo much more energy than revelling in joy.

  8. Lovely and colorful photography ~ and great quote ! have a great week and thanks for coming by ~

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  9. happy is the takes so much more energy to be upset or angry...and so much more unhealthy as well...smiles.

    aloha from va

  10. Hello cloudia, a wonderful post and images. Wise words for all of us follow... Thanks for sharing, have a happy week!

  11. Good to see some sunshine we are missing it lately .
    Cute lizard.

  12. These are really wonderful, important messages. Thank you for reminding us Cloudia! Peace!

  13. That message is so important for all parents. Thanks for the lovely pic too.

  14. Great quotes! I like the Voltaire quote. We don't need to dwell on the bad things.


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