Sunday, August 31, 2014

Willow Mill Park "Under the Roller Coaster"

A    L    O    H    A  !

" If the 
only prayer you said 
was 'thank you'
that would be 
enough. "
                        Meister Eckhart 

". . . it takes a life 
to learn how
 to live. "
                     Jonathan Safran Foer 

click on photo to enjoy all the shadows showing off

“ I have learned that
if you must leave a place
that you have lived in 
and loved 
and where all your 
are buried deep, -

" leave it any way 
except a slow way,
 leave it 
the fastest way 
you can. -

" Never turn back
 and never believe
 that an hour you remember
 is a better hour
 because it is dead. 

Passed years seem safe ones, 
vanquished ones, 
while the future lives
 in a cloud,
 formidable from a distance. ” 
                       Beryl Markham, 
                               " West with the Night "


our memories are
We walked to school
in 40 feet of snow
every day!

Summer afternoons
were centuries long;
Ice cream was sweeter.

Heck, maybe it was.

In Annie Hall
Woody Allen remembers
growing up in a house
under a roller coaster!
[You can see it HERE]

I have 
roller coaster memories 
too. . .

My high school boyfriend's
(I wrote about Carl Here)
older brother played lead guitar
in a band. After hearing me
play my flute, "Chopper"
invited me to be in the band.
We played every weekend
in a bar in Maryland.

So every weekend,
Carl and I rode the Reading Railroad
out to Mechanicsburg PA 17050.

The girl lead singer
had a house
directly across the street
from a sweet, small time
amusement park called
"Willow Mill Park" Link.

We practiced for hours 
and slept at her house,
and during our breaks
we walked across the small 
residential road
to take rides on the 
Red Streaker!

That exciting name 
hardly describes
the rickety, old & small
ride we knew. Of wood,
as I recall.
Shook all the wrong notes
right out of my fingers!

Sounds like a made-up
story, a scene in a comedy,
a Fellini film,
or an outright 
bald-faced lie,
but I assure you 
it's true.

Thank YOU
 for Bellying Up
to our Tall Tale
table today!
Care to share one?
                     Fondly, cloudia


  1. ha. my boys always think i am stretching my tales a bit...and maybe sometimes i am...smiles...

    really the snow was 40 feet...ha....

    it seemed that way from a kids perspective at least...

    thank you...

    aloha from va

  2. Wonderful sky in Hawaii, tones and clouds of maximum beauty! These photos are gorgeous!

  3. you were an adventurous one. still are. :)

  4. I guess you could say, "just when I get good at this life, it's over!"
    Is that fair?

  5. I have told people stories about my life and I get this look like, "really?" Lovely hearing about yours. Your photos are stunning, 'specially that first one and I love that first quote. Great day to you Cloudia.

  6. You are definitely a woman of myth and legend... The prodigy roller coaster flutist!

  7. You obviously lived in such a way as to savor the delights of life. You are a true pioneer, adverturesome spirit.

    Lovely photographs of airplanes!

  8. You each bring great energy here! Thanks!

    Birdman, you said it!💀

  9. I remember wooden roller coasters too. Very scary to me now! I love the Meister Eckhart quote.

  10. Certainly a special plain.


  11. Memories to hug, memories to cherish, memories to savour.

  12. The military transport's quite a contrast from the rest of the shots!

  13. If only we could remember just the good times!
    Thanks for the sweet comment, Cloudia, and for adding me to your blog list. ;-)

  14. Aloha Cloudia, Thank you, :) for sharing these wise quotes, and your links, I remember Carl, love that Woody link, (Great Movie too) I had a Red Streaker in our carnival too, but different name. Only sad part for me, 40 inches of (you know what, that will be here way too soon) Yikes.

  15. So wonderful seeing each of YOU here!


  16. You have truly had an exciting life and are continuing with the same joie de vivre!


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