Sunday, September 7, 2014

If You Look

A  L  O  H  A !
" Look up 
from what you're doing
 and look around 
for a minute. -

" - See what a 
beautiful world 
you're in. "
                    Ralph Marston

Linking to  i <3 i="" macro="">

Look Up Sometimes

" I value my garden
 for being full of 
blackbirds than 
of cherries, 
and very frankly 
give them fruit 
for their songs. "
                    Joseph Addison

Parrots are not native to Hawaii; but look! 
There's one now!

I have often seemed
 at odds 
with the way that most of the world 
looks at things.

As you might imagine, 
this has not made for an easy life;

But in the end, 
it means that I avoid 
the flaws and limits 
of conventional thinking.

So I seem to swim free 
of the traps
most conventional thinkers 
swim right into.

Have YOU made 
an unconventional choice 
that made ALL the difference?

                Warmly, cloudia


  1. Your choices seem to have produced a different, yet wise life; one worth living. Aloha on a beautiful Sunday!

  2. Sure. With the gang I ran with college was nowhere on the radar. It was for me. Changed the course of 'my history'.

  3. Gorgeous photos of nature and love the quote and do 'look up and out' ~ it is a beautiful world ~ happy sunday to you!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Don't think I've been too unconventional. But did usually think in a liberal manner and stood for it - women's lib, minority causes, freedom, etc.
    Happy Sunday!

  5. Hi, Polly!

    Is that parrot a regular in your neighborhood?

  6. I can tell from folk's response to my comments at times that I think a little differently

  7. nothing wrong at all with not buying into the worlds ways and finding your own...especially if it means being a noticer....

    aloha from va

  8. Look up and see the black birds. That is true! One is often not aware of ordinary things unless an effort is made!Nicely Cloudia!


  9. Unconventional choices are the best... Love your POV in today's pictures.

  10. It is a very beautiful world. And I love the snippets you share - or it, and of you.

  11. 。°°。✿⊱。
    Imagens lindas!!!

    Bom domingo!·..✿✿
    ♪♬♫°。 Boa semana!

  12. Yes, I am seeing parrots flying about. There have always been some small flock back in the hills more, but now I see a few around the coastal area flying and calling. Perhaps escaped or retired working birds who pose with visitors for photos?

    Love YOUR comments today - THANKS!

  13. Look a long way up, and then........... great piece at the end.

  14. Ciao from Italy. Wish you a good life.

  15. Those are lovely and I have often enjoyed looking at life outside of the box :) Happy week to you my friend!

  16. I had to laugh looking up right now, is my ceiling! But I sure did get a tremendous amount today....looking up, around, behind, under, inbetween, much to see, so little time!

  17. such a happy green spring of life to start the week. Thanks Cloudia

  18. I might have taken inconventional decisions, I don't know, but I know that my children have. They have tried to live in foreign countries and chosen partners who are not conventional and different from the Dutch men.
    It is okay I don't mind, as long as they are happy together with the children.
    Your photos are so colourful !
    Have a nice week.
    Wil, ABCW Team


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