Sunday, October 5, 2014

Must Be October

A  L  O  H   A !
" I've lived through 
some terrible things 
in my life, 
some of which 
actually happened. "
                            Mark Twain

Scary October!
Every child knows
that witches & goblins
haunt the frosty eves.
Every adult sees
the dying leaves
and feels the chill. . . 

B O O!

Yes, October is
a scary month.
Please enjoy this 
Flaming Skull
from a cinder-block wall
here in Honolulu.

Dig That Flaming Skull!

Linking to Monday Mural

Your Blogging Banshee,


  1. Love that flaming skull!! Thanks for a lovely mural Monday!

  2. i don't like scary, but that's pretty cool.

  3. That skull is neat. I'd never thought I'd say a thing like that! :) Yes, ghosts and goblins will soon abound. Always fun!

  4. A lot of work went into that!

    We went from hot weather to 40 degrees after the hailstorm came though Columbus.

  5. Definitely crys out to be on a motorcycle gas tank. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  6. Some amazing artists hangin' out in Honolulu. Can't figure out the rest of the designs around the glowy green skull. (Hope my plastic skull from nursing school days isn't as green from storage...ewhewu)

  7. Very scary, but I am not easily frightened! The falling leaves leave flowers in their buds. Life goes on!
    Have a great and happy week.
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  8. The skull is neat, cool mural.. I am hoping for a mild October and winter..I can wish! Have a happy new week!

  9. Real of the wall jumping mural. Nice one.

  10. It's also the month I was born so VERY scary :) :)

  11. Quite a vivid mural. Twain's sayings are always welcome.

  12. Love the Twain quotation! NIce colors, even if I'm not so fond of the substance. :)

  13. Aloha Cloudia, I wish we could all sit down and share hot chocolate and burgers with good old Twain....that would be quite worthy conversation and much laughter.


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