Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Option of Joy

A  L  O  H  A !
Would you rather
be happy
or be right?

“ The need to be right 
is the sign 
of a vulgar mind. "

“ Dip your serenity 
in serendipity 
and let the surprise 
be your prize ” 


We can provide 
those around us
with the option of joy
when we carry 
 our own
everywhere we go.

By not relying
on the actions of
the next person we meet
to decide our mental climate,
small things lose
their stickiness
to annoy -
 we can let them 
just flow by;

Keep your humble joy
and so inflame others
without notice 
or fuss.


Thank YOU,
                   Fondly, cloudia


  1. what does it prove if i am right? i will be wrong again tomorrow...ha...i would rather be happy....

    aloha from va

  2. I am HAPPY because I am always RIGHT... just ask my hubby who thinks he is always RIGHT.... some how our rights doe not always agree.. and i rather be RIGHT.. love your header, so much beauty.. and your Hawaii Fall colors are perfect. you are right, we are very similar here to you there.

  3. I'm so rarely right, I no longer worry about it…Such wise words, Cloudia. They remind me a little bit of this Yoga Sutra: "By cultivating attitudes of friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous and disregard toward the wicked, the mind-stuff retains its undisturbed calmness." In other words, we carry our own joy…
    Thank you.

  4. Hmmm. Most of the time I'd prefer to be happy but, unfortunately, there are times when I really want to be right. :))

  5. Love your pics! Wish I was in Hawaii. Such a beautiful place.

  6. Love today's message! Thanks for reminding me.

  7. An excellent message today! It's always time to chill!

    Being right is important only if you're burdened with keeping score.

  8. Tks for your nice comments on my blog. I found you via Hilary.

  9. Most of the time I'm wrong but who cares, I'm happy if I'm right but thats rare.

  10. People who always have to be right isolate themselves, because nobody around them wants to volunteer to always be wrong!

  11. I like to be happy and right....(ihihih)
    Bye bye dear Cloudia!

  12. Love the idea of losing stickiness...must try that.

  13. Guess I will really have to

    "Dip your serenity
    in serendipity
    and let the surprise
    be your prize "

    coz I have forgotten to bring my laptop power cable to work today .....sobs sobs

  14. This is a real party today! I am loving what each of you has brought today. Lots to enjoy and to think about! Thanks, Friends

  15. Time not being happy is time poorly spent.

  16. I'd rather be happy! Right or wrong, you can never undo a thing, probably make repairs.

    Thought provoking and also fun! :)


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